Sunday, April 22, 2007

Grandma's 90th...

We won't be attending... I've been thinking about this for a while! It's like, you know, why would I spend a few thousand dollars to go see a bunch of people who obviously could care less about me and my family? Gail and Skip, Neil and Cherry, Duane and Glenda, and all the rest... I can't do it... Then you get to the kids, Mike, Eric, Gwen... Derek, Kendra, Daniel (I'd like to see Daniel actually!), and Heather... Tabitha, Rick, Tammy, Tonya, Terra, WC and Troy. You know, these people have never commented on my blog. Why would I spend a few thousand dollars to go see them??? I won't be doing that! I'll send Grandma a card and some flowers!


Matthew said...

Carolyn told me to delete this post, I refused... I didn't think there was anything wrong with it...

WHO is marci? said...

it's pretty rude actually.

Matthew said...

Not sure why you think that, I just prefer to be honest...

Matthew said...

Actually Marci, you do an EXCELLENT job of making my case! You NEVER pop on to say hello, yet you CAN take the time for negative comments! Not many others can EVER take the time to even say hello, and I'm supposed to spend a few thou to do what? Go see a bunch of people who can't even bother to ever say hello? Not sure how that is rude in the slightest?!? Just stating the facts... I know some don't particularly care for the facts, myself though, I prefer brutal honesty!

Petra said...

How often do you reach out to any of them (aside from having a blog that they are welcome to come read at any time, of course)? I mean, I don't know, maybe you are calling/emailing them on a regular basis and not hearing back from them and that's the basis of this post... but if you never say anything to them, then it's not really fair to judge them for not saying anything to you, is it? I care about all of them (the aunts/uncles/cousins), but honestly I don't put forth a lot of effort when it comes to keeping in touch. It doesn't mean I don't care. I'm sure it's the same on their end.

Not that I'm going either, but it's because I'm moving right before the reunion. I've actually heard that several people aren't going to be able to make it. I wonder how many are going to go.

Daniel said...

"I'd like to see Daniel actually!" Thanks! I feel special. . . lol

"these people have never commented on my blog. Why would I spend a few thousand dollars to go see them???" You crack me up, Matt. . .

I think your basic point is valid. Families today are an odd creature. I mean, we "care" about each other, but it's in an invisible only-if-you're-in-a-crisis way.

What Petra said is valid, too; I don't point out how little anybody cares about me if I'm not doing anything to demonstrate that I care about them. Makes sense.

I'd like to see most of the people on your list; but we aren't likely going, for logistical reasons.

Matt, I have to say, I wish that people would be so candid in everyday conversations. I reckon that if those who comment on your blog were physically together in a room, pleasantry would trump honesty. (Not that I'm advocating a lack of tact, btw.)

Daniel said...

"Carolyn told me to delete this post, I refused..."


I guess some don't find your manner funny, but it is to me. . .

Daniel said...

"myself though, I prefer brutal honesty!"

Classic! :)

Joshua Goodling said...

I'd be interested to see how many people read that and still don't comment.

You do have a valid point about spending a lot of money to go see people who you never hear from or keep in touch with.

Too many people in today's fast paced world are all wrapped up in their "own little worlds" and just never take the time nor the effort to reach out to others. Which is really sad. I think that has a lot to do with why our country is falling apart.

Petra said...

Too many people in today's fast paced world are all wrapped up in their "own little worlds"

:) I think that's kind of the point of a "reunion". ;)

Honestly, I wish that our family did a better job of keeping in touch. A few years back, Kendra had the newsletter, which was nice, and now a few of us have blogs... but I actually know families (extended families) that talk on the phone all the time and visit one another often. That concept is a bit foreign to me. Although I guess growing up we saw some of our cousins here and there, esp. if we lived close to each other.

Daniel said...

Ah, the newsletter. . . I'd forgotten all about that. That was pretty cool; I enjoyed getting those when I was in college.

Titus said...

i agree with your post, and premise. at the end of the day, i think going to a reunion where you haven't seen people in like 20 years would just entail things like smiling, saying "how's everything?" (not REALLY caring what the answer was) and then going back to your life to do (possibly) the same thing again in 20 more years...

i mean really, what's the point?

Matthew said...

LOL!! Okay, sorry to post something like that and be busy all day, I'm reading the comments now and will catch up!! I'll comment again in a few minutes after I've read all the comments!! :)

Matthew said...

Hope I didn't get anybody's thongs in a wad, but I was just thinking about it and posted. :)

The older I get, I just prefer simple, brutal honesty from others, and that's how I dish it out! :)

Like Daniel said, I wish EVERYONE would be candid in every conversation, but there is so much political correctness from everyone, who knows what to think!

Well, I'm NOT politically correct, I say what I think! I like life MUCH better being that way I might add!

So feel free to say what you think here!! I will as well. :)

I just started adding it up: $371.00 per ticket times five (because I'm not driving anywhere that far away), rental car, hotel, food... I was like, you know...

Yeah Petra, I do NOT expect people to post here, but I'm fairly easy to get along with, I don't reach out like I should either. I do send everyone Christmas cards, I e-mail EVERYONE who e-mails me. I might add that I've even written a few letters to some of the relatives on Boyds side who don't use the computer. So I do reach out, but I don't KEEP reaching out if I never get a response!

Joshua - I DOUBT anyone will comment, which again lends support to the initial post!

EXACTLY Titus!! "Hey how are you" 'polite smile' - and at the cost of what, several thousand dollars??? No thank you!

Yes, I do agree, I do love everyone in the family, and would turn none of them away if they showed up at my door! The post wasn't really about that, it was more about what Titus pointed out, the cost...

So sorry if anyone got offended, but the only people in my family that even read my blog have already commented, so I guess no one was that offended! :) (except Marci I guess)

If you were offended, then comment and tell me why!!!

Matthew said...

I'm glad I'm able to provide amusement for you Daniel! :)

Matthew said...

The funny thing is, I read an article earlier before I made the post, and it was talking about how families NEVER are in contact unless there is a funeral or a wedding... Well, that is our family...

Matthew said...

Tact Daniel?!? I lived most of my life being tactful, now I prefer brutal honesty... I'm trying that now for the forseeable future... We'll see how that works out, working rather well though, so I doubt I'll stop anytime soon! :)

Matthew said...

I liked the newsletter as well! I remember Kendra asked me to do it one month, and after I did, they stopped! Not sure why...

Petra said...

I wasn't offended. Just to clear that up. LOL :)

Matthew said...

I knew you weren't Petra! Just to clear that up! :)

Andrea said...

Do thongs wad? Isn't the whole point of a thong not to wad?

Matthew said...

LOL Andrea... I'm not really the expert on thongs, so I guess I couldn't really say... :)

Jackie said...

I think thongs are in a permanent state of wadness... that's my vote.

i'm a big fan of families. I think all/most families should get together more often. It's nice to gather with people who come from the same place/gene pool :D It's really an intersting time with my family :D

WHO is marci? said...

:) I didn't get offended, just merely mentioned the way the entry was stated was rude, if you had written it like "I don't think we'll spend that kind of money on a trip like that, we'll send a card and flowers" might have brought on less dialogue??

I don't have a lot of time to read through everything, so I read and get updated on everyone, and post where I feel strongly because I know I won't be back on for a bit - my travel schedule has been a bit crazy lately.

but offended? no. I don't get offended, I merely state opinions, I grew up with you remember?

I'm with Jackie on the thong, a constant state of wadness, especially as I get older.. When I'm really old I'm sure I'll understand the concept of "granny panties" hee hee