It sickens me as well, I grew up in Baptist churches as most of you know, some may not, but most every church I ever attended ended up getting split down the middle over the most ridiculous of things. Some of the issues were so ridiculous, I could hardly comprehend how a church could split on such things. Of course most of the time I was too young, and had to rely on my parents who were usually at the forefront of such splits. The older I got though, and as I read the Bible, I kept thinking to myself, this isn't right...
Back to the title for a second, are we not here to tell others about Christ? Not argue about things that don't matter? Of course thats where the people start screaming: "It does matter!".... So say them...
My cousin has an interesting post, and I think the root of that discussion is the reason for most of this... Do people not realize that Satan has been unleashed onto the earth, that he is free to do whatever he pleases pretty much? His SOLE purpose is to discredit God and get people to turn away from God? Stunning how few know that. Well, not really, since all the people who do are too busy arguing about the semantics rather than doing what they have been instructed to do...
Here is a postcard I found today on the Internet:

The site:
Post Secret
People send in postcards with their 'secret' admissions, confessions, or whatever... Some are quite sad...
That postcard though is likely the thought of a LOT of people who just have no clue... So all the "Christians" sit around arguing about the stupidest of issues, while there are plenty of souls out there who would love to hear about God... I guess the point of this entire post is, we should stop arguing (not saying we can't discuss), but we should expend our efforts in trying to reach more rather than arguing about the semantics... Satan is a powerful foe...
I LOVE PostSecret. I've been looking at it for years now. I check every Sunday when they update. How fun. :-)
I'm curious to know what some of the issues were that those churches split over. Also, what are examples of issues to which you are referring when you say "the stupidest of issues"?
Well Daniel, the issues were many, some I don't even know what they were... The sad thing is, none that I know of had to do with doctrine, they were all about: stewardship, music, direction, leadership, etc... I do recall once though being physically carried out of a church, and I was only a teenager...
Regarding "the stupidest of issues", I'm referring to the insane things baptists argue about: should women wear pants, how long should a man's hair be, should drums be allowed, guitars?, should we go to movies, etc... I know they argue about a lot of other silly things, but I have not been involved in the baptist church in over 20 years, so many of the things I have listed are probably no longer argued about. Who knows what they argue about today.
I don't think we should ever 'argue'. We can discuss with civility issues that we may disagree on, a perfect example is the one you brought up, which is the Inspired Word of God? Certainly worthy of debate and discussion.
I guess my point in the whole post was, Christians should stop arguing so much and start attempting to defeat Satan and win as many souls to Christ as they can before it is too late and the ones that were never witnessed too end up burning in Hell for eternity...
I agree with you Matt. I remember some of those reasons for leaving churches (not only our family, but other families I know)... I'll post about it later as I think it is worthy of discussion. Back to my favorite quote about majoring on the minor and minoring on the major. :)
I just now realized that I never responded to your comment Andrea... I've read Postsecret for years myself... I go for months without checking it at times, but then remember it exists and go check it out... :) Here's my secret, I've almost sent them a post card myself once or twice... :)
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