Statistics that have a track record, like the one above, I can live with... These polls however are a different story... So many are within the margin of error and I am beginning to question the 'correctness' of them anyway, we'll see how that works out...
Oh, and if you are planning to vote Democrat you no longer even have to go to the polls. The Democratic National Convention this year has rolled out a new program where they will be sending mobile polls to your place of residence... They will give you a ballot and allow you to then vote in the safety and comfort of your home... It sounds like a pretty sweet deal, I hope the Republicans soon follow suit... The best part is you don't have to even notify anyone, they will just show up... This year, since it's the first year, they will also be giving out $50 gift cards to the store of your choice... Sweet deal! So I'll be slogging to the polls in the rain, and if you are planning to vote Democrat you don't even have to leave your house??? I hope the Republicans catch up with the superior Democrats by the 2008 election...
It's almost comical watching these pollsters and analysts... This could go either way, yet no one wants to really admit it... Take Santorum in PA (who I hope wins btw), some have him losing, others have him absolutely losing, others have him within 4 points and the margin of error is 4.5... Incredible... We'll find out Wednesday morning, should be interesting...
Yeah, going through the paperwork as we speak looking for that voter registration card :-|
(I want them to come to MY house with a ballot!!!).
Today's our chance to Make A Difference - GO VOTE!
I just voted.
I am praying for good people to come into office (which would exclude 99.9% of democrats).
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