The kids are going to hang the ornaments tomorrow when they get home from school... I'll finish the lights and some of the other things when I get home tomorrow from work. I guess I have to drag the ladder out as well since we bought a bunch of wreaths last January to hang on the windows... Ugghh! The kids are excited though, and that is what makes it all worth it! Taylor wants to bake Jesus a cake though right now. I told her we needed to wait a bit, but then she could, so she is looking forward to that. She helped Carolyn make a cake a few weeks ago, and she's ready! Hope everyone is having a great holiday season! We are, and I know Titus and Jackie are!! Congrats again Titus and Jackie!! Can't wait to see you next summer!!!
I hate those curtains btw...
Tree looks great. We're going to put ours up today. :)
Color on the wall is nice :). We put up our tree Friday but it has yet to ornaments put on it.
Is blogger working yet?
Finally. . . (it hasn't been letting me post comments).
Now I don't remember what I was trying to comment. . .
Anyway, Michelle & I had a great Tgiving, and we put up our tree and Cmas decorations the day after. We celebrated Tgiving at Cracker Barrel - it was excellent!
Excellent decision Daniel! Half the time, I wish we would just do that... :)
HOw beautiful the tree looks!!! Did you enjoy Egg Nog and christmas carols while you decorated?? It really does wonders :D
We finally got our tree up too - yay. It took us like three days to do all the ornaments though because we had other things going on. I'll post pics soon too. :)
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