Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Voted, Did You?

I think that people who do not vote should have their right to vote taken away... Say if a person has not voted for 10 years or something, then just strip them of their right to vote since they obviously don't care...


Matthew said...

It should be an entertaining evening... :)

Of course I doubt we'll know anything until after 10:00PM tonight or possibly not until tomorrow... Luckily I took the day off tomorrow, so I can just kick back and see what happens...

I'd run for office myself, but I'd hate to see the opponents smear ads... :) Of course the older I get, the less I care, so who knows... Might be interesting... :)

Matthew said...

Well, early predictions say the Dems may take not only the House but the Senate as well... We'll see, I know that in some cases there was only a small percentage of the votes in... I'm almost betting they do...

Matthew said...

I take that back, I'll wait and see... Or rather, I'll rephrase it... 'The media is so slanted Democratic, they have predicted a devasting loss'... While it may happen, I'll wait and see...

Petra said...

I voted! (barely found that registration card in time - LOL). :)

Anonymous said...

I voted. . . still waiting to see what happens in Virginia.