Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I thought I would be, but I'm not amazingly enough... I don't really even think the Democrats won, I think the Republicans LOST it!! They have squandered their six years in power and did not deserve to be rewarded for being so incompetent... What we need is a new party I think, a third party... Maybe Joe Lieberman will continue on with the whole Independent party concept and more will follow, probably wishful thinking, but we do need a third party I think...

Frist and Hastert?? Both are incompetent I think! If Frist for one second thinks he has a shot at the Presidency, then we will have affirmation that he indeed IS a complete moron... I can't remember a more incompetent leader of the Senate... If the leaders had also worked more closely with the President, rather than distancing themselves from him so often, maybe they could have together done things differently and would still be in power, but no... "The ship's in trouble, quick let's go drown the Captain" was the mentality instead... Hastert obviously is an incompetent leader, most people didn't even know who he was until the Foley story broke out, if people don't know who the leader is, they are worthless leaders... Yet the Republicans decided to keep that fat idiot at the helm longer than any other Speaker ever! Yeah, it was time for them to lose...

Plus, I think that had they won, they would have been like, "Heh, we didn't manage to do much of anything, yet the people still want us in charge." Then come 2008, the people would have been so pissed off at the Republicans they would have elected Charles Manson as President just to get them out of the White House... I think with the Democrats in charge for the next two years, it will give the Republican candidate a much better shot at the White House in 2008! Or just maybe, there will be a viable Independant candidate who just happens to have the bankroll necessary to buy, I mean win, the White House in 2008...

I also wish Allen would just take it like a man and admit that he lost rather than make us all wait until what? In VA (and Daniel can correct me if I'm wrong) they can't even have a recount until after November 27th I believe... Get over it Allen!! You lost, get out of the way and just let them have the Senate as well... You guys blew it!! Better luck next time!

I think Rush Limbaugh says it best: "I feel liberated. I'm just going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried."

He's right... The Republicans currently in charge have been carried by a faithful base, the talk shows who somehow managed to keep the base energized, and the bloggers who also helped contribute in keeping the base motivated even as they watched the 'political capital' get squandered at every turn... Even though I did vote Republican down the ticket yesterday, I'm now glad that the entire base did not... Maybe the ones who did not were the smart ones, we'll see... I know a lot is at stake, but there comes a time...


Matthew said...

Oh yeah... No one comments... I forgot for a second... My assessment is correct...

Joshua Goodling said...

You are correct in your assessment. The Republican's shut themselves out...and it all started a few years ago when they decided to be "politically correct" and start trying to "please" everyone including the Democrats.

Many Republicans just got used to being in power and never did anything with that power. Kind of like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry and some of those life-long senators who have been re-elected and re-elected, yet they never do a damn thing except blow our taxes on their trips to foreign countries, golf-outings, etc.

The problem with the Democrats is they have moved WAY too far to the left.....oh wait - the problem with the Republicans is - they have moved WAY too far to the left......imagine that!

Anonymous said...

I think Allen is feeling the same way I am. . . actually stating that *gulp* Jim Webb *gag - cough - cough* is our senator is just too much to bear; so we are still hoping, pretending. . .

I agree that it totally was about the Repubs losing, rather than it being some big Democrat lovefest by the American people.