Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Raining!!

Which is a good thing here in GA!! Although it means I can't do much on my projects! NOT that I'm complaining! We need the rain desperately! Although, if we didn't pump billions of gallons of water each day down south to save the FREAKING endangered mussels in FL, we might not be in such dire straights here!! Kudos though to the Governor for suing the Feds to stop the nonsense, we'll see how that works out!!

Note to self: NEVER use the green towel again!! Ever do that? See someone use a towel to wipe something up off the ground? I saw Taylor use a towel today to wipe up some dirt off of the garage floor. I was thinking, you know, I think I used that towel the other day to dry off after taking a shower!! NEVER again! I mentally catalogue stuff like that, because I DON'T want to use it to dry off, even if it's been washed!

Yeah, I really have nothing to post about, as you can tell... So I'm going to bed now!


Joshua Goodling said...

Yes - I only wish Governor Purdue had sued them idiots earlier! Sending millions of gallons of water down river to keep mussels alive when we're in a drought makes no sense!

That's hilarious about the green towel! I'm with you on that though - I am very picky about stuff like that!

Petra said...


Matthew said...

Carolyn solved that little 'dilemma' for me... When I got home, the 'green towel' was in the garbage!! Whew! :)

Petra said...

So was it dog poop or something? Because why would you not want to use a towel that had been used to wipe up a little dirt, as long as it was cleaned? It must have been 'dog dirt'?

Matthew said...

LOL! Yeah, I 'think' it was dog pee, but not sure, but why chance it?? :)

Tim said...

I suppose with kids, it is always good to be a little wary about it's usage :). Yay for rain, it has been raining buckets here. Our basement almost flooded :), but they got a pump and pumped it out. We had our own little pool there for a bit.