I was going to finish that fence today, but turns out I'm short 3 swivel hangers, which I ordered today, but won't get until next week! Plus, it rained off and on today until now. That fence section though that I have in those tubes is not all that steady, so I need to shore it up by doing the retaining wall and filling it in with dirt, so figured I might as well tackle that while I wait on the fence parts. That opening you see is where the gate goes (obviously!). I'm going to put curved steps there that go from the pool deck down to the driveway so I can keep the pool deck clean! I have to pour some concrete though for the steps, so figured I'd tackle both chores at once, the steps and the retaining wall! We'll see how that works out!! :)
I'll pour the base for the steps with concrete, then put the same type flagstone on them as is around the pool. Should look nice if I ever get it done!

Now it's time for Survivor! For some reason, we have watched this show as a family since it started. The kids LOVE it, so we all pile up on the couches and watch it together every Thursday when it is on... Off I go... :)
Yeah, as you can tell from the second pic, I'm losing my hair! Whatever, I wonder what I'll look like bald?? I suppose we'll soon find out! :)
lol. i'm losing mine as well. i'll probably go andy's route and just shave it, but i figure i have another few years?
We like survivor too, but I haven't watch the China one yet.
Fence is looking great - good thinking on using the bobcat. :) I watched the first and maybe 2nd season of survivor, but haven't watched it since. I don't have any shows I watch now since Gilmore Girls ended last season. Huh. Yeah, Andy had to start shaving his head (well, didn't 'have' to but chose to instead of doing a combover?) when he was in his mid-20s! Matt - your hair is so short anyway, that cropping it a little shorter when/if it gets bald won't be that big a difference? :) Or you and Titus could both try rogaine? Andy doesn't care that he's bald, I guess some guys do though.
I'll not have much of a choice I don't think, as I don't think I could do the whole 'comb over' thing if I wanted to! :)
I could care less though, it'll do whatever it's going to do and I'll be fine with it!
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