Monday, October 01, 2007

Alrighty Then...

So yeah, I'm taking a break!! I thought for sure I'd have that damn fence up by now, of course I DON'T!!

Of course if I had not rented that auger, I'd probably still be on the first or second post hole! This Georgia clay is hard stuff!

It's going to look nice, I feel like jumping in the pool at times, but I know how cold the water is! The kids get in it all the time though, they do not seem to mind!

So, six panels up, and I have 27!! I am not sure I'll need all 27 though, but we'll see! I better get back to work! :)


WHO is marci? said...

wow - lots of progress since last night :) looks great

Matthew said...

Thanks! Yeah, I actually made it around that corner before it got dark... Now I'm sitting here trying to get up the strength to go take a shower, we'll see how that works out... :)

Titus said...

You deserve a shower! And I am sure Carolyn would appreciate it! :D

Looks great though!!


Matthew said...

LOL! I made it to the shower... :)

Petra said...

Looking awesome! You are making tons of progress. I've been enjoying all the photos. :)