Ran into a few snags, but for the most part, it's nearly done. I did finish digging all the post holes today, because that damn auger I rented, which I THOUGHT I would only need for one day, I ended up having it for three!! So I had to get it back...
This corner turned out to be QUITE complicated! The ground slopes there, so I'm going to have to put a retaining wall there. I ALSO had to dig those two holes by hand as all the electric, gas, water, sewer run through there and I am not exactly sure where all the lines are, except in that general area... :) So I had to use those cylinders to set the posts...
Making sure everything is level... DREADING the task of building the retaining wall to bring the ground level up to the level of the pool deck... Has to be done though, and I don't see anyone dropping by to do it for me... So we'll see how that works out!! :)
Looking good though, if I do say so myself!! :)
That looks REALLY good Matt!!
Maybe I'll finish that fence today... :)
wow! I'm impressed. Looking awesome!
Beautiful Matt. I hope our many projects turn out as well.
looks great :)
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