Monday, October 29, 2007

The Devil's Holiday...

So I'm sure anyone who has read my blog for any length of time will remember my post last year about Halloween (I'm not sure why I capitalize that)... If you don't remember, feel free to puruse the archives!! :)

Anyway, my kids have taken a turn on it... They have been doing it for days now though, so what will I do? Chance was like, "Dad, I know that it is the Devil's holiday, but we know that, so as long as we know that, does it matter if we just go to a few houses and get some candy?" Tanner and Taylor both soon chimed in with the same thing! Hmm! A dilemma of sorts I suppose. I go back and forth in my mind. My children are getting to the age where they have their own beliefs, so am I to shove mine down their throat and tell them to hell with theirs?? That's what my parents did. Of course if they decide that 'It's only about the candy and the fun', then I will HAVE to be a willing participant! Who else will take them? Then there are the pumpkins, etc... So my position is still that it is the Devil's holiday, and I'm sure many disagreed with my original stance anyway, but whatever... The holiday is Wednesday, so I wonder what we will do? Do I allow my kids to dress up and then take them around the neighborhood even though I disagree with the holiday? Even though they have all told me, "Dad, we know that the holiday is wrong, but does it matter if we just dress up and go get some candy?"

Interesting dilemma... I can see their logic. Of course then you'll have the people who will be like, "You have to stand firm!". Well, they didn't live my life, so screw them!! I had shit crammed down my throat all my life, and NEVER did my own opinion count. My kids opinions count! We'll see how this little saga pans out...


WHO is marci? said...

:) the thought of free candy has always been the focus of the night for my boys - it's never been about scarying others, tearing up other peoples yards, or any of the violent stuff, so I have always let them go besides our entire neighborhood goes in one big pack so its really harmless as far as I can tell. JMT FREE CANDY ROCKS!! as my boys would say LOL

Joshua Goodling said...

This is definitely a choice you'll have to make for yourself and for your family.

However, let me leave some "food for thought". :-)

Yes, the excitement of "FREE CANDY" is hard to pass up, and especially for young kids.

However, I think there is more than just that issue at hand here. As I recall in the past, your children have openly expressed at school and to their friends that this is "the devil's holiday" and they don't participate. What kind of an example would that be leaving to those kids if all of the sudden now they decide that "yes, we know it's the devil's holiday, but we decided to participate anyway?" And yes, kids notice things like that.

Many times, making a stand on issues and beliefs, costs us something. The decision we have to make is - how important are those beliefs and issues to us?

And if it's okay to now "participate" in a holiday we know is anti-God, simply because we "Know it's wrong, but we want the free candy", what other compromises will be made in the future simply because; "Well, yes - I know it's wrong - BUT everyone else is doing it, and it's fun!"

It's not always easy making important decisions in life, or taking a stand. But the lessons learned are very important and affect our lives in the future.

Joshua Goodling said...

And let me add, that I also don't feel one should "cram stuff like this down their kids throats". At the same time, I think there are times when principles need to be taught.

So, on the one hand "Cramming" one would say: "We're not celebrating halloween, because I said so and that's final!"

On the other hand "Principle teaching" one could sit the kids down and begin with something like; "Here again is why I feel halloween is wrong.......Here are some examples or lessons that apply......These are the issues......etc."

Joshua Goodling said...

And, let me add another thought here :-).

I know many people who choose not to celebrate halloween with their kids are like; "NO! We're just going to stay home and do nothing!"

That doesn't help anything at all. If you are going to take something out of your life, you need to replace it with something.

Make it a family night - go do something fun, take the kids out to eat, go see a movie, or use it as a time to do something for others.

Petra said...

I don't agree with the "holiday" either, but we're carving pumpkins tonight and going trick-or-treating tomorrow night. We actually haven't been trick or treating in a few years, as whatever church we have gone to had something to replace it - a carnival or something - but our church here is rather small and the kids think the "carnival" is going to be really lame (which it probably will be - lol). We live in a nice, good-size neighborhood now, so the kids are thinking they'll be getting lots of candy - and that's what they're all about - the free candy. :)

Why do I cringe when I hear those words: "You have to stand firm!" :-P Yeah, I teach my kids to think for themselves as well (and they are FAR better Christians than ANY of us were as kids).

Matthew said...

Yeah, free candy is what they are thinking!! :)

Yeah, I see where you are coming from Joshua, but what they thought last year, and what they think this year may differ... :) So if I stood up for something in the past, but over time have changed my opinion, then why would I still choose to do the same thing? I wouldn't. So if my kids have changed their mind, no matter if they told everyone what they were doing, they are entitled to change their mind!

So they will decide what they want to do I have decided and if they want to go around the neighborhood, I guess I'll take them... :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Like I said, It's entirely your decision to make! :-)

Matthew said...

LOL! Not mine, theirs! :)

Matthew said...

Like Petra said, I teach my children to think for themselves...

Titus said...

and they are FAR better Christians than ANY of us were as kids.

lol, couldn't agree more!

Tim said...

Good thoughts by all. I have talked to the boys about why I do not make a big deal out of Halloween and explained the back history to the holiday and the difference between it and a holiday like Christmas but have let them dress up and carve pumpkins. We just don't make it a major holiday like we do with Christmas and Easter. They understand the difference that it is okay if we don't trick or treat one year, it's not the end of the world :).

I also think it is important to review non-core beliefs because we grow and mature (hopefully) as we age and it is important that our children can see that we are growing and that we are not just holding on to something because that is what we have always done. At least it is important to me :). I want my children to know that I make mistakes and can apologize and be humble, I digress I know but fascinating things training up a child in the way THEY should go. Too many parents train up a child in the way the parents want them to go not looking at the child as a thinking human being that God created special and unique.

Josh is correct about it being a family decision, I never understood condemning people because of their own personal family decisions.