Whatever, it's my blog and this is what I'm doing right now!! I suppose it's a diary of sorts as well, or at least a documentary of what I've been up to... :)
Coming around that corner was kind of complicated as it was a weird angle, and I had to cut a section of the fence to fit... Finally made it around the corner though...
Digging those holes in the front has been BRUTAL!! One of them took nearly an hour to dig the clay was so hard... I also think I may have bruises all up and down my left thigh where that auger kept banging into it when it hit something it didn't like!
Tanner and Bo!! Yeah, I know that wall is filthy!! I suppose I'll paint it in a few years, who knows! We've made the mistake of allowing the kids to 'hang out' in Cory's room and watch TV while snacking... Therefore the hand prints, etc on the wall... Not sure if Cory has noticed or not, but he rarely spends the night over here, once a month or so I suppose...
Time for dinner I think, then back to work... I had to stop until I got fuel! :)
In that corner, I'm going to put down flagstone and a firepit with a bench around it... I have the flagstone, etc... So I suppose that will be another 'weekend project' that will likely turn into a week or more... I MIGHT have this all done by Christmas, we'll see... :)
AhA!! I knew you'd come up with another project! :-)
The firepit does sound nice though! Will be really cool to sit by the pool at night with fire going!!!
:) we like seeing the progress
Keep the updates coming! :)
My kids aren't allowed to have food out of the kitchen/dining area (aside from a very occasional supervised bowl of popcorn in front of a movie) b/c every house before Texas had stains all over every wall and carpet. They still get stains, but not as many. At this house, the youngest three have a rule that they can't have any type of writing utensil out of the kitchen/dining room either. Pretty much though - the walls and floors are just always going to be a mess. LOL
LOL Petra... Yeah, but my kids trick me... I'm out there digging a post hole or something, and they come ask me, "Is it alright if I be very careful and watch TV in Cory's room while snacking?" Of course I've got my iPod on, so I take it off, and am like, "Okay, just DON'T make a mess!"... :)
Yeah Joshua, there are ALWAYS more projects!!! Ugghh! I CAN'T wait until all these projects are done, but I keep starting more!! :)
really cute pic of Tanner and Bo :)
firepit sounds nice! great pic of tanner and bo!
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