Saturday, October 27, 2007


Note to self: NEVER rent two tools from Home Depot on the same day!!

I did however! Got up this AM and went and got the aerator, started that and then took it back around 1:00 and picked up a tiller to shape up all the areas where all the plants go...

I mainly got the tiller to work on that bank behind the pool, but thought, why not just do the front first! So I started on that...

Of course, one thing turns into another, so I figured, well, while I'm at it, I'll just get the drainpipe behind the retaining wall and fill it in with dirt...

I used the bobcat to bring the dirt over, but I'm having to move it by hand because the fence is there... I suppose I should have hired a few illegal aliens, but I didn't! Now it's time to eat, then back at it until dark I suppose, ugh!


Petra said...

yeah, that's a lot of work for one day!

I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end though. :)

Matthew said...

Tell me about it!! I just finished, LUCKILY Cory is going to help me tomorrow, so we should get a lot done!

Yeah, it'll be worth it, it's starting to look less like an unfinished project, and more like an 'almost done' project!! Of course that's when I usually move on to something else... LOL! :)

Joshua Goodling said...

Looks like WAY too much work for one day!!!! :-)