Thursday, October 25, 2007


So I am VERY tired of having to constantly clean the pool deck, but I have to so the kids don't track the red clay into the pool!! So we decided to spend the weekend doing the landscaping around the pool so we can get all the dirt covered up! LUCKILY the Home Depot Landscape Supply companies in Atlanta are going out of business, so off we went to take advantage of the 50% off sales! (We went there a few weeks ago, but luckily didn't buy anything as it was only 20% off then!!)

Of course once we got home with the plants, I was thinking, that is a LOT of digging there Matt!!

We started spreading out the plants around the pool...

Turns out we need about TWICE as many as we bought today!!! So I suppose we'll go get them tomorrow...

I'm NOT however going to be digging THAT many holes by hand, of that you can be sure... So I suppose I'll have to go rent that auger again, but let's see... Rent an auger and dig the holes in a day, or spend the next three weeks digging holes, umm... Yeah, rent the auger!! We'll see how it all turns out, but I'm sure anything will look better than what it looks like now! I'm sure I'll be tired come Sunday evening as well, we'll see... :)


Matthew said...

It rained for the past three days, and there isn't one spot of water on my bar!! So that's a good thing! :)

Matthew said...

Of course that last photo shows the one error I made when I put the fence up, I wonder if anyone notices it but me...

Anonymous said...

Where do you find the time to do all of this. I can barely come home eat dinner take a shower and relax a minute before I have to go to bed and get up to go to work. WOW.

Matthew said...

LOL! Well Rick, I don't work 70 hours a week! I do most of it in the late afternoons and on the weekends...

Tim said...

Love the plants, I can't wait to landscape our house and get the garden started. Is the mistake the straightness of the fence line on the right :)

Matthew said...

You win the prize Timberly!! Not sure exactly how that happened, but that's how it's staying! :)

Petra said...

I didn't notice the fence until I went back and clicked on it. It's not that noticeable; I'm sure I never would have noticed if it hadn't been pointed out. lol

I'm sure it's going to look awesome with some greenery around it. :)