Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Updating... :)

I see the title, "Matthew's Opinion", and think it should be changed to "Matthew's Projects"... :) Of course I used to post my opinions on a wide variety of subjects, but got tired of it because no one ever commented... (except the regular few :) Whatever, I'll leave it the way it is...

Pimp... What does that word mean to you? According to Merriam-Webster it means: 'a man who solicits clients for a prostitute'. According to my kids, it means cool! Wow! I overheard them talking in the garage about it and asked them about it, so they are about to come in here and I'll show them what it means. Although I suppose words have a different meaning for each generation, I suppose this could be one of those words, I'll have to look into that some more.

Global Warming! What a bunch of con artists these people are... I did enjoy Pat Buchanan's article on it, and I'm with him, count me in as one of the disbelievers as well...

The global-warming hucksters

How about the fires in CA? You have Boxer, the Lt. Governor, etc politicizing it saying that if Bush didn't have the National Guard in Iraq the fires would be out pretty much. It's a LIE! CA has 1,700 of their National Guard in Iraq, they have 17,000 left at their disposal. Many of the National Guard that were called to help fight the fire, have already been sent back to their posts. What about the differences people are saying about the fires and Katrina?? There is a HUGE difference! The people in CA are helping each other, they are NOT screaming for the Federal government to come 'bail' them out, they are helping themselves!! The people in New Orleans sat around WAITING on the Federal government to bail them out, INCLUDING the state and local governments!! Not so in CA, the state and local governments, and the people themselves are doing what needs to be done!! The parasytes in New Orleans have that 'entitlement' mentality and blame the Federal government and the President for what is going on... Stunning really, but it is a true difference between people who don't expect anyone to bail them out, but they bail themselves out, and the other group that sits around WAITING for someone to come bail them out because they have never fended for themselves in their lives!! I'll get off my soap box on that issue, for now! :)

What about the stealth amnesty bill?? Senator Reid tried to RAM it through the Senate today WITHOUT debate, but failed thankfully!! It's amnesty plain and simple!! I'd go on and on about it, but am tired of typing!

Why no pictures of progress on the pool house you might ask? It's been raining for three days now! We need it though, so I'm not complaining!!


Matthew said...

Oh yeah, I'm also thinking of getting rid of the dog! We'll see how that goes...

Petra said...

lol @ 'pimp'. Yes, it has an entirely different meaning nowadays (although I'm sure prostitutes still have pimps running their lives?). :) Have you ever heard of the mtv show 'pimp my ride'? I want them to pimp our ride. lol

Joshua Goodling said...

How did it go with informing the kids of the real meaning of the word "pimp"?

Matthew said...

LOL! Well, that went fine, but then trying to explain prostitute, etc... :)

Matthew said...

I'm thinking we should have just stuck with 'cool'... :)

Tim said...

They use a lot of words that I am not comfortable with now days, we kind of have a rule of not following the current trend of fashionable words. I suppose because we feel there is no need to, also look what happened to the word gay. I personally think it trivializes the problems in society, but have no problem with other people saying them just seems a bit odd to me, the need to come up with slang. Of course, the boys are not really around kids that talk that way and do not watch shows that use those words so it hasn't been that much of an issue :).