Chance was the one who told everyone where to go...

Taylor didn't really want to help, but she did a GREAT job!! Once Chance sent them in, she sent them the way they were to go! :) She did get over it pretty quick though, and Carolyn went and helped her, but she stayed the entire time! :)
So that consumed my entire evening yesterday, we had to be there at 5:30 and it didn't get over until 10:00... Why they even have it I'm not sure, the kids all ran around and didn't watch the movie, so that left all the parents sitting there watching Firehouse Dog! Wow!!
Of course today I woke up feeling like shit, I think I got whatever the kids had last week, but whatever, no time to lay around... I never actually understood that concept, laying around all day because you "don't feel so hot"... Well, I felt like shit all day, but did the same things I do each and every day... Mind over body, that's my mentality... I just tell my body, yeah, get over it, we have things to do!!
I've been working on getting those steps done going to the pool:

Of course it doesn't really matter what they look like as I am going to put flagstone on the steps! So if it's not even, just more mortar... :)
Ugh!! I DREAD the flagstone task! Of course I dread MOST tasks these days, I'm just over it!! Hopefully I'll be done with all this crap this year!
Hope you get to feeling better quickly! I know not feeling well isn't fun (even when you do push yourself to keep going).
Sounds like the movie night thing was a lot of fun!! NOT - I think sometimes schools and churches and stuff just think they "Have to have events" so they plan stuff without really thinking.
So, how did it turn out in the morning??
It looks great!I am so impressed with all that you have done! It's really cool what you can build with your own 2 hands!
Hope you feel better soon!!
PS- Titus and I got YET ANOTHER camera for the computer, hopefully this one will work better :D Thanks for being patient with us!! :D
I hope your feeling better. I can't wait to see how it will all look, we'll bring out atlanta magazine and have your house photographed after all that work, geez there needs to be some recognition!! :)
Turned out pretty good Jackie! I may be prejudice though... :) I hope you guys figure out which camera is best, then I'll get one!!
I DO feel better everyone, btw... My brain usually doesn't let my body feel bad for long, because it knows I'm going to keep going no matter what... :)
LOL Marci... Once I'm done?? I wonder when that will be? Hopefully by the end of the year, but umm... The year is almost over, okay, how about by next summer??? We'll see!! :)
I don't need recognition though! I do this for me and my family to enjoy, could give a damn about a 'pat on the back'... :)
are you guys talking about webcams? We have those - used them when Andy was in Iraq, and now they are both sitting in a basket. I suppose if Andy gets deployed again, though, they'll come in handy. :)
Okay, you must have an amazing immune system. If I don't rest when I'm sick, then I get MORE sick. I learned that lesson already - rest for a day when I'm sick and then I won't be deathly ill for two weeks?! :)
Oh yeah - we never go to 'movie night' at the school... or volunteer. We go to things like 'open house' or carnival night or whatever. But movie night? No thanks. :) Looks like you got a GREAT turnout of volunteers though. Glad you had the kids to help out. :)
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