What's that you might ask? That I finished a project I started today! Of course to be honest, it only took a few hours... :)
Went and got all the materials needed, and for a change didn't have to go BACK to Home Depot!
It's actually pretty quick work except if you have to cut one, but I only had to cut six total.
Finished project! Well, technically it's not really 'finished' as I have to put gravel right behind and then the drainage pipe and then back fill with dirt... As far as I'm concerned it's a finished project though! :)
I suppose I also need to put some flowers in the pots, and oh yeah, I'm putting a flower bed in the front too, so I have to get some dirt in there to cover to the top of the concrete... Okay, the WALL is done anyway! :)
looks great! :)
You have a really nice home Matt. I'm really impressed that you are such a handy man. I need to learn a few schools of my own. Once I re-finance the house I'm going to pur a shower stall in my bedroom and then remodel the bathroom. I have the slightest clue what I'm doing but I have a book and home depot and I guess thats all that I need to know. It looks great.
Thanks Rick! It's been a six year process, and will likely end up being seven! That's what I do, anything I don't know how to do, I go get a book or look it up on the Internet. I just always figured, if someone else can do it, so can I!! Why would I want to pay someone a fortune to do what I can do myself?? Yeah, that's all you need though, a book, the Internet and just do it! :) It's ALL easier than it looks!
Looks great Matt, we have finally started on our home after being here for two years. It is quite exciting to think about how it will look when we are done.
Just thought I'd say hello. I still check the blogs, but haven't been commenting. I'm too busy, Matt. Hahaha!
Daniel - yeah, what's up with that? You know, I think I comment on every post you put up. And don't you enjoy the comments you get? How rude. ;)
Matt, I think this is a record for you. You must be... what's that word? Busy?!?! Ha. Or you just don't want to talk to us anymore. ;)
Wow! Almost an entire week with no update!! You must be blogged out or something. I would guess you're too busy - but since you've been blogging all the time you've been working on your pool, house, deck, etc., I would say you must be EXTREMELY busy to not even have a posting!!!! :-)
LOL! Yeah, I was actually just trying to set a record! :)
I do appreciate any and all comments! I suppose I should make more of an effort to comment on other's blogs, eh? . . .
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