I rented the post hole digger, or one man auger if you want to call it what it is, and wow! I'm SO glad I did that...

I got two sections up, and the posts for the gate that will go there... I kind of got sidetracked fixing Marci's computer because the 'genius' she took it to said it could not be fixed. I had it fixed in an hour or so, but would have had it fixed much quicker if I'd had my software with me... It AMAZES me the fools that call themselves IT people, yet they can't even do the simplest of things... Stunning really...
Yeah, I JUST cleaned that pool deck yesterday and it's filthy again... Ughh! I guess once I get the fence up and the landscaping done that won't happen... If I had this to do over, I would have put a swing up there... :)
I like the iron bar fence, looks nice.
Our IT people are a little on the inability side also :).
Precisely the reason I like being in IT, it's almost impossible to NOT have a good job even if only HALF of your brain works... :)
Or in my case, about a tenth of a percent... :)
Looks nice. I am sure you need a break. Probably was nice to do something else for a while! :D
lol at you would've put a swing up there. I'm sure you guys will enjoy the fool out of your backyard next summer though! :)
Yeah, I'm sure we will Petra, AND it will likely take me until next spring to actually finish it all... :)
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