I've often wondered myself who the people are when you read things like: "57% of Americans think (insert something here)". Then you read that it has a +/-4 percent accuracy and they asked 100 people?? So out of 300 million people, the 100 nitwits who actually will stay on the phone when someone calls and asks, "This is so and so from XYZ Polling Inc, would you like to take a minute to answer a few questions?" Stunning really!
Yes. And then you have to wonder about the idiots who believe the "polls". They hear some news person say; "60% of Americans...." and they go, "Oh...well, if that many people agree it must be true!
They don't stop to realize that for anyone to know what 60% of Americans believe about a subject they would have to all 4 billion (or however many there are) people in America.
It's kind of like the Statistics 101 class they give in college, absolutely RIDICULOUS!! I sat in that class in college for about 5 minutes, and then got up and left, never to return! Anyone who takes that class is a sheep! Destined to be led around by the nose from now on. You can make the numbers say whatever you want, hell, I can call a hundred people right now and come up with all sorts of statistics on any number of subjects, stunning really.
I am on the floor over here! Bill the Cat is hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Can't... stop... laughing...
p.s. reminds me of a documentary I saw on Kinsey (the 'sex' guy from the 50s or whenever) - none of the people he polled were Christians... and people believed him when he said something like 90-something% of people were fooling around with everyone they met.
Okay, I took statistics in college as a degree requirement :P. I do agree that there is no purpose to the class, it was obvious that polls have no basis in fact. I do use statistics with the rat testing but a different type.
LOL Timberly! Yeah, it's a requirement for many degrees... Sad really! After I realized I didn't 'need' a piece of paper though, I walked out...
LOLOL Bill the Cat cracks me up!! Ok, so living amongst the 'sheep' that need statistics in order to sign a contract, you'd be amazed at how many people in meetings eyes light up when you say "We did a focus group and 76% of the people in the group LOVE and WILL BUY this product" whether they did say it or not, it doesn't matter, people just want to be told it will work, they don't want to take the time to look it up and find out if it really will - of course IF in fact you do lie in the meeting and didn't poll anyone, it's your butt on the line when it falls apart - thats the other part they care about, the fact that YOU said it would work and if it doesn't YOUR butt is on the line, not theirs :)
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