Shoddy workmanship!! That's why I do most things myself!! I KNOW that everything I do isn't going to fall apart, and it is going to be done right! Now I've been inspecting the other flagstones that surround the pool, and I'm not so sure that others aren't going to fall off... I'm dealing with that though btw...
How about the bin Laden tape? Does that goat sniffing idiot think Americans care what he has to say?? We should all convert to Islam?? Wow!! I wonder who his advisors are? Whatever...
I'm going to shingle the pool house tomorrow, I've kind of been dragging my heels on that because I HATE heights... Has to be done though, so we'll see how that works out! :)
"goat sniffing idiot"?!?!? LOL!!!
Yeah, I was wondering the same thihng... we should all convert to Islam and everything will be peaceful??? I said the same thing: WOW!!!
Shoddy workmanship gets to me too... this house we are in was thrown up as fast as the ones they are building down the street, I'm sure (fast)... and doorknobs are falling off, tile has come off the island, etc. If we BUY a house, we'll get one that's built better. But we're just renting, so it'll do for now. We love having the space. :) Of course, if it was something I PAID to have built, like your pool, I'd probably be pretty riled up. lol
Yes, I've definitely become more aware of shoddy workmanship now that I own this condo. I keep finding stuff that was obviously thrown together at the last minute or as fast as they possibly could. Next time I buy a house (if I don't build it myself) I'm definitely going over it with a fine tooth comb.
You know, you with that obvious shoddy workmanship and the fact that you broke your thumb as a result - you could sue the pool people to pay for your medical bills and stuff.
My insurance pays for the medical crap, I have a pretty good policy... I am thinking about my options though, trust me... :)
I just can't believe all the shoddy workmanship being done, and does no one else give a shit?? I go look at brand new houses and am like, "Huh???" Amazing!!
I'm with you on that, my house is falling apart - and I have a laundry list of things that need fixing... but it's a few years old, I go and look at the new 400K houses that they just threw up down the street, and they are already falling apart, and they aren't even 4 mos old... one big storm could take out all new construction I'm telling you - there seems to be NO pride in work these days.
I had a dream a while back about Islam becoming the world-wide religion, I must have just watched that idiot.
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