If you have kids, do you volunteer to assist at any of the activities they participate in? I went to take the kids to school this morning, and the woman who is in charge of the 'Room Moms' asked if she could talk to me, of course I said yes. So anyway, no one signed up to be the 'Room Mom' for Chances class for the SECOND year in a row! So I'm Chance's Room Dad again! Not that I mind, but it's like pulling teeth to get anyone else to do anything, so I usually just end up doing it all myself without EVEN asking anyone else to help! I mean really, if the class needs snacks donated, am I going to start calling all the other parents to see if they will donate 30 snacks, then wait to see if they follow through?? Or am I going to go to the store and just buy the snacks and save myself the headache, yeah, I'll just go buy them, I'm out what? Ten bucks? So we'll see how it works out this year, but I'm sure it will be much the same as last year! So it will be Carolyn and I again for Chances class...
Remember my post about being the 'Dad's Committee Chair'? Yeah, that is working out GREAT!! We were supposed to assist with 'Movie night on the lawn' right, and even the Dad's who SIGNED up to help out never responded to me about assisting. Well, two of them finally did, but wow!! So that is going swimmingly!
Speaking of swimming:
Remember my post about being the 'Dad's Committee Chair'? Yeah, that is working out GREAT!! We were supposed to assist with 'Movie night on the lawn' right, and even the Dad's who SIGNED up to help out never responded to me about assisting. Well, two of them finally did, but wow!! So that is going swimmingly!
Speaking of swimming:

Chance LOVES the pool! Even though the water is FREEZING if you ask me! I told them I would hook up the gas tomorrow, as I have not yet done that... :) I wonder how much my gas bill will go up??
That slope behind the pool is the project for this weekend and getting the pool fence up as well! Yeah, I still have those pink lines tied to the posts as my fence... :) So I'm going to rent a tiller, and do some "shaping" on that hill there and then use the extra dirt to fill in around the pool deck and then put up the fence around the pool equipment and then put up the fence around the pool! That's the plan anyway, we'll see how that works out... :)
I've been outside 'surveying' what I have left to do on my many projects and the good news is that I think I may actually get most of them done within the next month... Or at least done 'enough' so that my yard is back to normal! I think Andrea was right though, I'll likely get it all done just in time for winter! :)
Not that we HAVE much of a winter here! I don't even think it snowed last year, and the only months you couldn't wear shorts was mid Dec through beginning of March...
Well, Carrie is 15 and in the 10th grade. I can say that the only activities I have ever been to was at a class play like in the 4th grade and when she was in band like 6th & 7th grade. I have never particpated in actually helping out because of my job. I'm a truck driver if every remembers right and I work about 70+ hours a week. I could make time, but it would kill my pay check. See I can't just say I'm taking the morning off because if I do I will probably lose out on the whole day because most of my work starts in the morning.
Yeah I know excuses, excuses.
I love your pool. I wish I had one. Pam and I are still trying to sell the house, but a pool would really be nice to relax in.
I volunteer for things I'm interested in only actually, like I'm the drama liason for the junior class :)
Chance probably loves you being the room dad? Does he?
Pool looks great, it is starting to get colder, I think you'll need the gas -
How is the housing market up there Rick?
Yeah, Chance likes me being the room Dad, but of course Tanner and Taylor want me to be theirs as well... Luckily though, the other parents in their classes volunteer!
Yeah, Tanner won't hardly get in it anymore, and of course I absolutely wouldn't!! I'm wondering how long it will take to actually heat it up... :)
I think that is great that you are room dad! I am sure Chance is thrilled as well. Any involvement in your kids lives they will remember forever! :D I am sure that he will remember the years that you brought all the snacks for his class, 2 years in a row! LOL!! :D Great job! I can't wait to be room mom! It's the best way to see your kids in action!
Pool looks awesome. Wow you are eager with the projects! Nice work!
LeRoy and I volunteer as much as we can. I have missed school and work to go on the field trips. It is soo much fun to see the kids excitement when their parent comes to school. I am going to go in next week to eat lunch with them, they ask every year. LeRoy does the cub scouts with them, which is at the school so he works a booth at the different activities. It does make a big difference when the parents show an interest in the child's activities. It does depend on the time available though, some parents would like to as Rick said but food on the table is a little more important :).
It is sad that no one has volunteered though, isn't it a big school. The boys go to a small one and the parent involvement is huge.
I also like to volunteer because you get to meet all the kids your children talk about :).
I *go* to all the activities, etc., but volunteering? I don't do too much of that. Basically, because I've always had a toddler or baby I had to take care of. When Brittany and Justice were little, I went on field trips, etc. My kids have always had other parents volunteering. I did sign up this year to take photos at school events - it was the only list I could find that sounded like something I actually wanted to do - and when Britt and Justice were little I'd sign up for everything and then absolutely dread doing it - lol. Oh - I do things like bake cupcakes or buy snacks; I've always done that. For the last few years, I signed up with something like "I have a baby so I can't come to school in the middle of the day and help with class, but if you have something you'd like me to do from home or that I can bring a baby/toddler to, then I'd be happy to" - no one ever calls. lol :)
Yeah, I'm not much for swimming in cold water - but if I had a heated pool? I'd be out there every day. :)
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