Thursday, September 13, 2007


So Chance asked me the other day what 'sexualism' was... Of course the first thing that went through my mind was, "Oh no, here it goes!"... I was thinking that I needed to go to the school and see what books were in the library, I needed to go get his book and see what he was talking about... Etc... I asked him, "What do you mean?". He replied, "Well, we are learning about that in social studies and I was wondering what it meant." I asked him what else they were learning and he told me. Then I asked him again about the sexualism and what they were learning about that, he told me they hadn't really started learning about it, but he was just wondering what it meant... I was about to explain it to him, then something happened, I forget what, and I didn't. Of course I told Carolyn about it, and today after they were done doing their homework, Carolyn brought me a piece of paper with the word 'sectionalism' written on it and said, "That is what he meant"... Whew!! How funny though! Maybe!! After looking at the definition of sectionalism, is this what we are teaching our kids?? Precisely the reason my kids will not go to public school after elementary school... I may have even done them a disservice by sending them to the government to be educated in elementary school...


WHO is marci? said...

:) I've had to have that discussion already with Canyon. AND - I am not leaving him in middle school public school longer than this one year - I didn't mind any of the boys going to public school for elementary, and have immediately put all of them into Private school in middle school - Canyon begged to go to the public school in our neighborhood, AND THEY JUST ARRESTED an 8th grader for bringing drugs to school today, IN FRONT OF HIM!! yea - he's definitely going to private school next year! I don't even want to find out what they would be teaching him in sex ed - he already is bringing home way too many questions on evolution

Petra said...

That's definitely a tough one. So far, I have taught my kids to question everything and try to reinforce our Biblical beliefs at home (and at church of course). We would have loved to put our kids in private schools this year, but it's just too expensive. I was glad 6th grade here is still elementary school, though, so I don't have to deal with Justice at middle school for another year.

Funny about Chance's question though - I have misunderstood what my kids were talking about before and freaked out unnecessarily - lol.

Tim said...

I know what you mean, Matt. We have already decided that the boys will only go through elementary. I remember Lauren and Olivia going through middle school and it does not improve a child's thinking at all. Nick asked his teacher last year why she believed in Evolution, so he has been questioning the teaching quite a bit. We talk about it and LeRoy knows quite a bit so we are able to give him the right foundation at home but I do not want the boys going through the public school system any higher than the basics. If we could afford it I would be at home homeschooling now :). Funny about the word, that happens with us sometimes.

Titus said...

funny stuff! Glad it all worked out ok.

Titus and I too have thought about what type of schools our children will go to. And so far we agree that public school until 6th or 7th grade then off to private depending on the school system around here. My grandparents and dad went to public school here as well as all of my family and they say as public schools go, this is the best one around. But we shall see when the time comes. :D

--- jackie