Pets... I know a lot of people have them, but wow! These pictures were taken a little over a year ago, but we just got them today. Who has a possum as a pet??? Well, one of my neighbors does...

I thought it odd, then realized that I DO live in Paulding County, GA... :)
Quite odd. But then I guess people have strange things for pets such as snakes and tarantulas, and other varmits!
Personally - I don't want any more pets. Well - If I had a fenced in yard, I wouldn't mind having a dog, but I don't want to have to walk one every day.
No, the only pet I have is my computer! :-)
They are cute, reminds me of Over the Hedge :)
How bizarre! I have never heard of pet possums. lol!!! The kids seem to be enjoying them though. :)
Thats hilarious!!!! LOLOLOL
they do look cute as rodents go :D
huh... as a pet though? to each their own! :D
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