I got tired of working on the pool house, and came in... I've not watched any of the Republican debates, but I've watched some of it tonight... You know, if this is all the Republicans have to offer, I can't see how Hillary would be much worse... Idiots most of them! Who is there?? I can't believe that out of all the people in America, that this is who we have to choose from!! I know that many don't run because they know their lives will be scrutinized and possibly destroyed, depending on what is in their closet... I guess that's why we have the lot we do running for the highest office in the land, and the leader of the free world, for now...
This moron though should get a clue...
This moron though should get a clue...

I know I'm talking to myself most of the time here, but whatever... I'd rather talk to myself than 99.9% of people I encounter...
If not a higher percentage than that!
Lol :) I'm with you on the talking to yourself.
Yes, it seems like they could find some better candidates for President. At least Fred Thompson is now running.
I haven't watched the debates, so am kind of in the dark right now. I like Fred Thompson though (from what I know of him so far).
I haven't watched the republican debates yet, I watched the democratic debate in Idaho I think... it was interesting how the audience responded to Hillary - they all clapped after everyone else gave any decent comment, but they NEVER clapped when Hillary said anything -
doesn't look like he has a very good following where hes speaking in the photo? three people??
I just can't do it... I can't vote for her. She just screams evil. No thanks.
And we are here!! I was just thinking how nice it is that you blog everyday! I really enjoy reading all that you have to say and pics you have to share. So, thank you! I truely do enjoy checking the blogs daily (or at least most days when I have a second) you all entertain me so! :D
plus it makes it easier to blog and comment when we have a "working" computer :D Titus and I have no luck with computers. We are planning on exchanging the BRAND NEW COMPUTER for yet another one to Costco. It for some reason won't turn back on! :( should we take this as a sign??? I hope not, I sure enjoy blogging.... I'M HOOKED!!! :D
LOL Jackie! I would never actually vote for that beast! I just couldn't believe the debate last night, it's like there are no candidates available on the Republican ticket that could beat her I don't think... We'll see though...
Ack! The NEW computer is broken too?!?!? I'm actually still using the computer that Titus broke a year and a half ago, actually using it right now! No issues! I know a LOT of people though that constantly have issues with their PC's, so who knows what causes it... I DO hope you get it back up and running though!! :)
And KEEP blogging!!! I feel like the lone ranger out here at times! :)
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