So on the way to school today to drop the kids off, they all ganged up on me and asked if I'd bring them lunch... I'm a sucker for stuff like that, and my kids KNOW it!! So of course I said okay. Once we got to the school, I went and found out when all the lunch times were, ughh! It turns out they were spread over more than an hour, too late though, I had already said yes!
So I went to work thinking I needed to be at the school for Taylor at 11:22. I rushed to the school, stopping to get her lunch on the way, I got there at 11:21, and low and behold, Taylor was DONE eating lunch and they were dropping their trays off... She had the saddest look on her face, it nearly broke my heart! I went to her teachers room and told her I goofed and thought lunch STARTED at 11:22 not ended. So the teacher said I could sit with her. So I sat with her, but Taylor didn't want to eat much because, OBVIOUSLY, she had already eaten. So we decided to go out with her class for recess to the playground. We hung out there for a bit, I took a few pictures and then told Taylor that it was time for me to go get Tanner his lunch, which I verified started at 12:10...
So off I went to get Tanner's lunch. I got back with it about 12:05 and went to the lunchroom to meet Tanner. While I was in the lunchroom waiting for Tanner's class to arrive, I saw on the wall that Chances lunch started at 12:22... (Chance had told me 12:30) Hmm... I thought, that doesn't give me much time! Tanner's class was LATE getting to lunch, I finally saw them coming and went out in the hall and gave Tanner his lunch that I had brought, and told him that I had to RUN and get Chance his lunch, I'll be back!
I flew down the road to get Chance his lunch and those morons at McDonalds (I know they only make six bucks an hour, so I don't get too irritated with them, but wow!!) screw something up EVERY time I go there!! I finally got the food at 12:23! I had visions of Chance wondering where in the hell I was, luckily the school is a half mile from the McDonalds! I got to the school, rushed in and Chance was in line about to get the cafeteria food. So I gave him his food and he went to his table. I spent a few minutes with Chance and Tanner then told them I had to get back to work... So needless to say, I WON'T be doing that anymore!! The kids all enjoyed it though, but Taylor has told me that since she didn't really get her lunch on time, I owe her another one! She's right! I do! :)

No, I still haven't hooked up the gas (the yellow pipe in the pics), I should just do it, because it will likely only take an evening... I've got about a gazillion things like that left to do though, and HELLO, I'm doing this all by myself and I'm only one person... :)
Funny about the lunch - Sounds like you spent most of the time running back and forth rather than actually eating lunch!
As far as the pool house and other projects go, I'd say you're doing quite a fantastic job! Especially since you're doing it all by yourself! You need to build a website showcasing all your projects along with pictures and a little narrative perhaps! I bet you would get a LOT of hits on something like that - you could even put google adds on there to drum up some extra money!
getting there...
what kind of headphones are those? I need to get some like those, that go over the ear, as mine keep getting ripped out of my ear while working outside.
Sony... Got them at Circuit City because I was sick and tired of having those other ones get ripped out of my ears every time I turned around...
I certainly have tons of pics of all the projects Joshua, perhaps once I finish them! :)
That's funny about the lunch, I do stuff like that with the kids too. Sounds like my experiences with it :).
The pool house and stuff look great. I agree with Josh on the whole vid thing. Of course it takes time to do that stuff
Actually, they are Sony Stable Ear Clip MDR-J10... $15.99 @ CC
Not many parents would do the things you do to show how much you love your kids!! I can't wait to do the same thing for ours! Enjoy your next lunch with Taylor! :D
Wouldn't this blog count as a narrative on all your projects? :)
Loved the lunch story. Perhaps next time, you should plan on one kids lunch per day? :) I haven't brought the kids lunch in a couple of years... and then I brought each of them their lunch and ate with them on their birthday. They did love it though. :)
hey - that's great about the kids, it's a lot to run around with three at the same school :) thats awesome that you did that.
sorry about the other day to bug you, I finally have handed off my computer to someone and they are going to fix it so that I can just retrieve my files, I tend to get so busy I only call when I have an issue and shouldn't so I apologize, I'll try to call and catch up later this week - your fence is coming along great :)
You don't bug me Marci! :)
I suppose it is a narrative of sorts Petra, but I might get them all in one place somewhere and do the start to finish thing, who knows though, I have to actually finish everything first!! :)
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