Off we went to the fair when I got home from work, today was ride all the rides you want for 18 bucks a person (which is a bargain considering the cost if you go when it's just normal prices), we took Sarah (our neighbor) with us and Nate and his mom met us at the fair. For some reason, we didn't take hardly any pictures this year, I suppose it was because normally either Carolyn or I are riding with either some or all of the kids, and the one who isn't riding takes pictures, but this time while one was riding the other was talking to Doris (Nate's mom)... Oh well, we took a few though, so here are a couple:
First ride we rode, it was rather tame considering some of the others, but the boys told me they needed to "work their way up" to those rides first... :)
Why I ever got on this, I don't know! For starters, once we got to the top the wind was blowing, there are no seatbelts, and the seat was slippery!! I had a death grip on Taylors leg thinking that she could just slide out and fall!! Doris and Nate were in front of me, and Doris turned to me when we got to the top and pretty much said the same thing, "What in the hell am I doing up here?" Then I look down at the car in front of them with Chance, Tanner and Sarah in it and I see Chance leaning forward, which was nerve wracking enough, so I hollered down to him to sit back... I was GLAD when it was over!
They always have to try the rope climb, but none of them ever make it to the top...
I was amazed that Taylor wanted to ride this one, but this year she rode all the rides the boys did with the exception of a few of the more extreme rides and she was not tall enough or she just might have... I suppose next year she will be tall enough for them all, we'll see if she rides them all then... :)
This was actually the only kiddie ride that Taylor rode, and I took her to ride that when the others were riding one where Taylor wasn't tall enough...
Everyone had a great time! I'm always glad when it's over, but I enjoy seeing the kids have such a great time!
Don't even get me started on the vendors at the fair, when you walk around the exhibition centers, and all the vendors have trinkets and candy on the table for the kids to take... I suppose they think that if the kids actually TAKE the trinkets and candy that I'm somehow OBLIGATED to listen to their spiel??? I don't think so!! If your 'product' worked as WELL as you claim, I'd be able to buy it at any of the big box retailers!! It doesn't, which is why you have to ply the kids with candy and trinkets, and then have the 'salesmen' talk up the parents who for some unknown reason feel guilty that their little rug rats took the candy and trinkets and then feel obligated to buy the stuff... Whatever, try any of the morons behind me with the spiel, but save it, I'm not interested in listening to it... :)
lol! Yeah - Andy was sorry he rode one of the rides with Jarvis this year. Although we didn't go on the 'ride everything for "cheap"' day, so the kids only rode a few rides, as we don't have a money tree (which is required to enjoy all aspects of the fair). They did all get free tickets from their school - so we only had to pay for me and Andy to get in. Looks like your kids had fun! I know mine had a blast and Britt and Justice are still mad they were sick and have to wait until next year! :)
looks like fun!
Is the fair something you enjoy WHEN you have kids? Cuz right now, I have no interest in going to the fair unless I am promised a huge piece of funnel cake! That is sooo good, especially with extra powdered sugar on top...YUMMM!!!
Yeah, pretty much Jackie!! I would NEVER go to the fair if I didn't have kids... They enjoy it so much though, you almost have to take them... They do have funnel cakes though, so you can munch on them while you watch your children have a BLAST! :)
The kids do love fairs, the vendors are an interesting breed. I would quickly find another line of work :)
Justice just looked at the photos of your progress on the pool house etc., and said to tell you he wishes he could come to your house and help! (he is a hard worker and LOVES construction, landscaping, etc.) :)
Tell Justice to come on out!! :)
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