This project was supposed to be a two day affair, now it's on the fourth day?!?!?
I finally got that corner done though... Except for that piece next to the house, but I'll wait until I have the siding on before putting that up. I wonder when the siding will go up??
Getting one of the last braces up that the fence slats screw to. I think that is what took so long, I had to make 44 notches in those posts to hold the braces... I should have just screwed the 2x4's directly to the posts without notching, but I'm kind of anal like that, which is why the projects take longer than they should I suppose!! :) You know, I have the funkiest shaped head! The woman who cuts my hair says the only people she has seen with heads shaped like mine were dropped when they were babies! Seems like I do recall a story of Duane dropping me off of a dresser once when he was changing my diaper, I wonder if that's when it happened?? :) I suppose we'll never know...
Finally got the rest of the posts and braces ready for the fence slats, I won't get anything done tomorrow as it is that time of year and we will be taking the kids to the fair after they get out of school!! They are SO excited, but of course, so am I!! I wonder how much money we'll piss away tomorrow at the fair... :)
I am starting to think that Andrea might have been a little optimistic when she said I might have all this crap done by winter, I'm starting to think next spring... :(
Wondering where the shingles are?? SO am I!! I ran out, and have been trying to find them ever since! I finally found some place in Canton that might have them, I should find out this week. Which is basically why I stopped working on the pool house, I can't really do much else until I get it shingled. I suppose there are a few things I could do, but now I'm on a mission to get the fence up!! :)
As soon as I'm done with that wooden fence around the pool equipment, I can then put the fence up that I bought to go around the pool which has been sitting on a pallet in my yard for several months now...
WOW!!!! I'm impressed. I don't see how you find the time to do it all. Hell, I work 11-14 hours a day damn near 6 days a week and about all I have to do when I get home is workout, eat, shower and sleep....Then start all over. I think your doing great.
That's about all I do Rick, is work on this house and work at my job! I'm tired of it though, which is why I'm working more on the "projects"... I used to only work on them on the weekends, but I have to get this shit done so I can do other things... So I spend every waking moment practically, working and then coming home and working at home... :(
I DON'T work 11-14 hours a day though!
Looks good Matt. I hope you find the right shingles, if not you could try drastically different ones and consider art :).
LOL Timberly! I actually did contemplate doing that, I think I prefer the uniform appearance though... :)
there is always the one step backward, two steps forward method...
I never noticed that your head was misshapen? It looks normal to me, but then I'm not a head-shape expert. lol
Seems to me you work rather quickly, especially for the amount of attention to detail that you give. Maybe the fact that you have 28 projects going on at once makes it seem like it is going slow. :)
"I'd say in a given week, I do about 15 minutes of real, actual work." (doesn't that pretty much describe your amount of work at the office?) :)
no project is ever easy... BELIEVE ME!!!... I have learned it more than once with Titus :D But us wives are very appreciative us the hard work you all do! :D It's fun to be a part of the "wives club" now :D
LOL Petra! Having just returned from the fair, I suppose it's about as normal as any, particularly considering some of the heads you see out there! :)
Yeah Jackie, Carolyn has been VERY tolerant of my many projects, not to mention that fact that I have about a gazillion unfinished projects inside which I pretty much abandoned in June when I started working on outside projects... I haven't touched the unfinished ones inside with the exception of finishing that entertainment center when it was raining the other week... Of course the thermostat is STILL hanging from the wire... :)
LOL @ 'having just returned from the fair'... yeah - having just gone myself - there are some freaks out there, let me tell you. And they ALL go to places like the fair. The people watching is very entertaining at the fair. :)
LOL! Yeah, it's amazing the sort of people that the fairs/carnivals/etc bring out... How about the group of people that work there!! I know here it is the same people every year it seems, I'm not sure if they travel around with it or if they just hang out at the trailer park waiting for it to come to town each year?!?
Yeah... carnies are an interesting species. I don't know where they find them!!! lol
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