That's it! The week is up, the carpet installers will be here in the AM. I always think I'll get more done than I do. LUCKILY Joe painted for me or it would have been worse. I was thinking that once the weekend got here I would be able to relax for a minute, yeah, that's NOT going to happen!
Taking the couches to the garage, Tanner was like, "The Goodlings are done with this", he is so funny. They did serve their purpose though. LeRoy dropped them off a few years ago, I think they were intended for Andrea. If you want them Andrea, let me know, otherwise, they are getting thrown in the trash... :)
Wrapping up the rug that was in the living room. We have a LOT of rugs throughout the house, but this rug is probably the only one that actually is Persian. It might even be worth money, who knows, all I know is, it's going in the attic, if the kids want it when they move out, they can have it. I wrapped it up pretty good though, so if one of them wants it, it should still be in good shape...
I thought I would get so much more done than I did... I didn't though, but tonight it was like, okay, the carpet installers will be here in the morning, let's clear these rooms out. A week ago, I was thinking, "Yeah, no sweat, I'll get that all done." Yeah, right! It DID not happen. The rooms are cleared out now though, but I'll spend the whole weekend putting the trim up and painting the second coat on the 'other room', as well as putting the wainscoating up in the 'other room'... Good intentions, but I've always been that way I guess, shoot for the sky, if you don't quite make it, oh well...
For many of the readers, I'll have more interesting posts next week! :) For now though, you'll have to do with posts about what I am doing because it is consuming ALL of my time... :)
Whew! Tis done, the installers just left and I plan on doing NOTHING for the rest of the evening...
can't wait to see the photos! :)
LOL... Me too!!! I have a ton of baseboard and door trim to paint tomorrow, then of course I have to install it...
I'll be glad when it is done though! :)
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