I know some people who read my blog, may at times think I obsess about the whole family thing, that is not the case. I'm busy doing other things. It irritates me at times, and I blog about it. I help out when called on regarding family matters, who doesn't? Well, some don't, I do however. Nothing surprises me these days, do things infuriate me from time to time, of course! I quickly let it go though, particularly the older I get. I've actually been busy getting ready for the carpet installers who are coming Friday, and haven't had much time to do much else, I must say, I'll be glad when Saturday arrives! Giving the mantle a facelift, also painting the crown molding white as well, almost done...

It's going to look nice I might add! :)
Yeah, I ordered wings and pizza for dinner, I was busy painting, etc... The kids loved it though! Although, Joe did most of the painting, thankfully!!
Can't wait to see the finished product! :)
Looks good. . . I don't think you obsess about your family, btw (meaning your extended family, not just your wife and kids). That all probably amounts to 5% of your posts. . .
Looks great. I do not think you obsess either. I think it just hits you at the moment it happens and you react. Somethink I think we all do to a certain extent because it is what we were raised with :).
Soon Petra!! :)
I've spent all day painting and running wires, etc... I can't believe I'm not in bed yet!
I'm not though.
5% Daniel? Is it that much? I'll have to notch that down a bit... :)
I agree Timberly! You are exactly right btw. Things happen, and I react. I don't apologize for it, that's just how I am... :)
LOL Kendra. My philosophy has always been, "What one man can do, so can another" (from 'The Edge' I might add, that particular quote, but it sums it up quite nicely I thought :)
If I don't know how to do something, I read about it, but by now, I've already figured most of it out... :) (Construction/remodeling that is)
When building, it just comes to me. If I see something I like in the store, I look at the price tag, and think, "What?? I can build that myself for a fraction of the price." Like the mantle for instance, I started looking at them, and they were literally thousands of dollars for comparable ones. I built that one over two weekends out of scrap wood I had laying around...
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