Saturday, March 17, 2007

Electrical Wiring...

LUCKILY I decided to replace a few lights as I'm trying to finish up this remodeling gig... So up to the attic I go to find the wire I need, this is the mess I find:

I was like, "Huh?". I fixed it, then fixed a few more things, then said screw it and cut the power to anything that went up in the attic and ran new wire. I've cut ALL power to the circuits that went to the attic and run my own circuits, I am rerunning it ALL!

I'm not even an electrician, and I'm done now. It took a few hours to run it right. I told you about all the lamp wire I found up there. Makes me want to go check everything in the house, and I likely will.

So if you are wondering where the "finished" pics are of the rooms, that is why they are not available as yet, I really don't want my house to burn down, so I am correcting all the crap I find that the fool who built this house did...

I'm nearly done though, fixing the crap that is, and HOPEFULLY will have some pics tomorrow... Whew! I'm really glad though that I discovered all the inadequate stuff and have been able to fix it all. It's been time consuming though, luckily, I "think" I almost have it fixed!


Matthew said...

I just now FINALLY finished up the last bits of wiring I had to do... Whew! There will be no post tonight, I'm tired and am going to bed... :)

Petra said...

looks like lots of fun. When we were remodeling that house in Louisville, we quickly discovered that with every project you start, there are about 18 more projects lurking underneath. LOL Glad you got the wiring done! :)

Daniel said...

When was your house built?

Matthew said...

It was built in 1987, believe it or not. The guy built it himself though, and it has been a nightmare fixing what he did wrong. Luckily, I am nearly done!! I won't know what to do when instead of fixing this house, I can ask my family, "What do we want to do this weekend? Go camping? Take a trip? Etc..."

I am literally though about 4 or 5 weeks away from that being a reality!!! Of course it only took about 6 years to get there... :)

Daniel said...

Wow, what a pain. . . you need to post a virtual before-and-after tour of your house once it's all done!

Matthew said...

This house has been the BIGGEST nightmare ever Daniel. I do have plenty of pics though, so I will put together a before/after thing once its done. I'll have plenty of time, that's for sure. I've done nothing but work on this house for the past five or six years. I CAN'T wait though, I've had other things I want to do stacking up on the back burner, and it'll be exciting to get started on all of them... :)

Petra said...

4 days? I know you are busy with the house, but you can't ignore your public for this long. :)

Matthew said...

LOL! Come on now, cut me a little slack here... :)

Petra said...

Um, excuse my earlier comment. I realized my browser wasn't automatically updating the pages like it normally does - so I thought there were no updates. :) Yeah, I have FOUND the F5 key now and am functioning properly. LOL

Matthew said...

LOL! To be fair, I did JUST post them... F5, hmm... Kind of reminds me of what I do at work all day, hit the F5 key... :)