You know, I HATE dealing with them... The guy who I've been dealing with on this called my wife this morning and acted like they were done. LUCKILY I have not yet paid them! I have, in the past, made the mistake of paying people to do work before they were quite finished, and then the work doesn't get finished. So Carolyn called me and said he thought he was done, I called the guy and was like, "No, you haven't smoothed it out yet, nor have you seeded it yet, and there are still five stumps in the back that need to be taken out." He tried to argue with me and say that wasn't part of the deal. He then drove out and looked at what his crew had done and told Carolyn, I'll have the guys out to smooth it out, then seed, then I'll have the stumps taken out. I think he was even embarrassed about how it looked. Of course if I had already paid him, I doubt he would have even come out.

They have not yet ground the stumps down in the back, but until they are done, the payment will not be made. I suspect they will be out tomorrow to do that since I've not heard from the guy again since our conversation this morning... I think it looks a 1000% though myself...
looking good! yeah - good thing you hadn't paid him yet. :)
No kidding, I've learned my lesson there, pay once the work is done! The guy just left who came out to do the stumps, I actually had about ten stumps in the front that were not part of the deal. Once the guy got here, I asked him if he wanted to make a little cash on the side and go ahead and take those out while he was here. He looked practically jubilant at the thought (I think he needed beer money), so I gave him $150 bucks to take out all the stumps in the front. So he was ecstactic, and I am as well now, there are now ZERO stumps anywhere in my yard, front or back!! :)
Wow...that looks a LOT better! I know you're happy to have that taken care of!
Yeah, one thing I've learned these past years working with contractors is NEVER pay out (in full) until the very last thing is done. (Obviously, if it's a $50,000 contract, you can't hold it all until the end, but. . .)
Great job!!! I am sure the work sucks now, but when it is done it will be worth it!! Looking good so far!! Can't wait to see it for myself!!
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