Luckily, the drywall finishing went rather well, as much as I HATE doing it. I'm not even sure I'll need much more than another light coat tomorrow.
I took down the fan and the lights in that room, because we are putting up ceiling fans. When I took down the fan, turns out, the fool who built this house used lamp wire to feed electricity to the fan, wtf? Some of the things the guy who built this house did just stun me. Luckily I am fixing most of them. I know it's my birthday, but I have carpet installers coming out on Friday, so the next week will be work, work, work... Ugghh!! Oh well, I'm sure we will all be pleased with the results. I am going to put wainscoating up in that room as well, I dragged my 100 foot air hose up to the room, turned on the air compressor, and was marking the walls where the studs were (which brings up another issue, the fool who built this house has studs everywhere, just not 'the standard' length apart. Some are 15 inches, some 18, some 24, etc, it's a nightmare.) I've got them all marked now though, so no big deal, but damn. Anyway, I heard this hissing sound, and it was my 100 foot air hose succumbing to the halogen work lights I have in there. So I obviously could not install the wainscoating, because I have to use my nail gun to install it... I'll have to get another one tomorrow. I'm rambling now, so I'll stop. I have 4 more days to get it done before the carpet installers are here... We'll see how that works out... :)
I agree with Titus - I hate the sanding. Ugh! I actually like painting. :)
I DETEST sanding!! I've gotten smarter though when I finish drywall, and I would rather do 4 or 5 coats 'very carefully' and do virtually zero sanding, than do 2 coats and sand... Ugghh!!
You like to paint Petra? You are more than welcome to come visit, I'll watch the kids while you paint! :)
Yes, and then when you're done painting Matthew's place, come do mine! I hate painting! :)
In fact, just to show how much I hate painting - I was going to repaint all of the baseboards and trim work in my house to solid white instead of off white. I got 2 baseboards painted the solid white.....and then 2 months later, I painted them back to the off white so I didn't have to paint everything else white.
Just too much work, taping everything up, putting down the drop cloths, etc.
LOL Joshua!! That's hilarious! I'm too far into it though to do that though... :)
Of course unlike you, I just start ripping stuff out, then redo it, and it's too late for me. I wish it wasn't though, oh well... :)
We'll feed and entertain the kids too Petra! You can just paint, take long baths, shop and not worry about a thing! (Had to add an incentive!) :)
LOL. Sure, Matt... the kids have spring break next week too, so as soon as you send along airplane tickets for myself and 4 kids (Jacob can ride on my lap), we'll be right on over! :-)
Thats funny Josh... I do not like drywalling or painting or really actually any remodeling. I do like gardening and landscaping :)
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