Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Scam I Got Roped Into...

Err... I mean fundraiser at my kids school... So yesterday, as we were getting the kids ready for school, they all wanted to know where their Boosterthon pledges were... Huh? Then I remembered the 'packets' that had come home a week ago that were laying on my desk. So I quickly filled them all out, listing Carolyn and myself as 'sponsers' at $1 a lap. Chance wasn't happy with only two sponsers, so I wrote down Uncle Titus's name as the third sponser for him.

Of course I'm thinking a 'lap' is around the track... NO! I got to school this morning, and inside of the track, they have this 'ring' in the middle of the track that is about as big around as a hula hoop... I was like, huh? (Okay, it was a little bigger than a hula hoop, but not much!).

So today all of my kids come home with t-shirts on, and on the back there are marks for each lap they ran. Chance ran 31, Tanner ran 28 and Taylor ran 19. I went to the calculator, and realized that I have to send $187.00 to the school tomorrow!! I wonder how many calls the school will get tomorrow? I'll bet a LOT! I'll go ahead and send in my $187, but the paperwork that was sent home was rather confusing, and it didn't mention that they would be doing laps around a hula hoop!


Tim said...

That's funny. I get a lot of those things home also.

Petra said...

LOL! That's hilarious. Thankfully the school my kids are at now doesn't do a lot of that sort of thing, but they have been at schools that did. They take you for everything you've got!!!

hrgottlieb said...

So many schools are sick of these kinds of fundraisers and are switching to instead. They make more money. They focus on reading and the company doesn't take over and shame the kids.