My yard has looked like crap for the past four years, and I'm determined to FIX it this season! So on I go...

I'm sure everyone will get tired of the pictures, but that's what I'm doing currently... :)
I'm sure everyone will get tired of the pictures, but that's what I'm doing currently... :)
No, I'm not sure if scraggly is a word or not, but I'm too tired to look it up... :)
I think scraggly is a word... I use it anyway. :)
I'm enjoying seeing the photos! Keep 'em coming! :)
Pictures are cool! It's kind of like the "Matthew's Home Fix It Show" :-)
Main Entry: scrag•gly
Pronunciation: 'skra-g(&-)lE
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of scraggling, preh. irregular from scraggy
: irregular in form or growth 'scraggly hills' 'a scraggly beard'
I guess it is a word then. Of course I doubt I would have typed it if it hadn't been... :)
LOL Joshua, that could actually be a whole website by itself... Of course I've never made a web site. Funny thing is, I have about 20 domain names, I've just never gotten around to building one... Maybe once my house is done! :)
I enjoy following your projects . . .
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