I'm sure everyone will get tired of the pictures, but that's what I'm doing currently... :)
We will get much enjoyment out of it though! We hang out outside ALL the time during the Spring, Summer and Fall... I'm glad it's done, but I'm exhausted now... :)
I'll post pics of the (finally) finished yard once they have completed it!
It's AMAZING how much has to be painted to trim out those two rooms!
So then I all of a sudden realized, wait a minute! I have people coming out with dirt in the AM to fill in the front. LUCKILY I had some of that drainage hose, because if not, it would have meant another trip to Home Depot. I had two drains in the front that needed to be extended or else it would have meant MAJOR drainage issues later if I had come home from work tomorrow and the dirt was there, and underneath, the soon to be clogged drains... Whew! I'm SO glad I remembered that, or else I would have been digging later to find them...
The other side looks pretty much the same, but I ran that drainage hose on each side far enough beyond where they are filling in so I can do something with it later. Pretty crude, but better than later wondering why I have issues with drainage, then it all of a sudden dawning on me, "Oh yeah, I forgot to do that, and they are blocked now"
Chance and Nate did a LOT of work on their fort today, I don't have a pic, but it doesn't look half bad. Now EVERYONE wants to be in the 'fort'. I had to finally go up there and work out a solution between my kids and the neighborhood kids. Speaking of neighborhood kids, one of them (Nate) has literally been over here for two whole days. Has gone with us to eat, to the store, went with us to church this morning... Stunning!
Of course while I was painting, etc. Chance and Nate kept coming in the garage asking if they could use this board and that one. I finally told them, you can use all those boards over there. Some time later, Chance and Nate came running up to me and Chance was like, "Dad, I know you will probably say no, but can Nate and I sleep in the fort we made tonight?". I was like, "Yeah, I guess so.". A while later, I decided to actually go look at 'the fort'.
'The fort'... I was like, "You guys actually WANT to sleep in that??" Of course they said they did.
I told them, you can play in it for a few more hours, but you'll sleep inside! I would never willingly sleep in something like that. Boys will be boys I know, but still... Well, back to painting... :(
I thought I would get so much more done than I did... I didn't though, but tonight it was like, okay, the carpet installers will be here in the morning, let's clear these rooms out. A week ago, I was thinking, "Yeah, no sweat, I'll get that all done." Yeah, right! It DID not happen. The rooms are cleared out now though, but I'll spend the whole weekend putting the trim up and painting the second coat on the 'other room', as well as putting the wainscoating up in the 'other room'... Good intentions, but I've always been that way I guess, shoot for the sky, if you don't quite make it, oh well...
For many of the readers, I'll have more interesting posts next week! :) For now though, you'll have to do with posts about what I am doing because it is consuming ALL of my time... :)
I NEVER would have gotten this done without Joe. The carpet installers are coming out on Friday. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything exciting for the past few days, but give me a few more and I will! I HATE remodeling now. I used to like it, I don't anymore. The next house Carolyn and I buy WILL require ZERO work!
Of course the best present Carolyn and the kids got for me was the widescreen flat panel 22" monitor I am currently looking at while I type this!! So Happy Birthday to me!!
Tomorrow I'll rip down the lights and put up ceiling fans, install wainscoating, and paint (uggh - I HATE painting)... Will be nice once done though, and the kids will love it! So anyway, that's what I've been doing all day.