I rented the post hole digger, or one man auger if you want to call it what it is, and wow! I'm SO glad I did that...

I rented the post hole digger, or one man auger if you want to call it what it is, and wow! I'm SO glad I did that...
That gate took me FAR longer than I thought!
I FINALLY reached the corner though, so hopefully the rest goes smoothly!! We'll see! I was wanting to get started on the black fence that goes around the pool, I may abandon this fence and start on the other... :)
A video game he just HAD to have...
Of course I'm not done with that wainscoting yet!! Nor have I hung that closet door up yet in the boys room... All in good time! :)
Everyone had a great time! I'm always glad when it's over, but I enjoy seeing the kids have such a great time!
Just about have the posts up so I can fence around the pool equipment, I'm hoping to get that done today, just taking a break to eat... :)
I had told Zach yesterday that if he wanted to come help today, to come on over. He didn't show up. I guess I wore him out yesterday! :) So toil on I do...
Putting down about 20 or so bags of manure and top soil to mix with the clay we have here so hopefully we can get some grass growing...
Just got through loading the trailer with all the debris that has piled up during the whole building process, so we'll take that to the dump in the morning, then go get the rental tool, then get to work! We'll see how much I get done...
Chance LOVES the pool! Even though the water is FREEZING if you ask me! I told them I would hook up the gas tomorrow, as I have not yet done that... :) I wonder how much my gas bill will go up??
That slope behind the pool is the project for this weekend and getting the pool fence up as well! Yeah, I still have those pink lines tied to the posts as my fence... :) So I'm going to rent a tiller, and do some "shaping" on that hill there and then use the extra dirt to fill in around the pool deck and then put up the fence around the pool equipment and then put up the fence around the pool! That's the plan anyway, we'll see how that works out... :)
I thought it odd, then realized that I DO live in Paulding County, GA... :)
Installing the first row of shingles, Nates brother Zach asked if he could help, OF course I said yes! He was a GREAT help! A huge plus was that he is like Petra and NOT scared of heights!! :)