Here is a picture of someone who wants to be our President during the speech:

What about Pelosi? I couldn't hardly concentrate on the speech because she was blinking like once every 2 seconds... She did do one thing though, she proved that she is running a tight ship, if she clapped, the Dems did, if she stood, the Dems did...
These people though could give two shits about you and I, they only care about regaining power...
I was listening to Boortz today while I was eating lunch and reading the USA Today, and he claims that everyone should have an 'escape plan' if these fools manage to destroy this country... Get out of debt, become liquid, and get ready to move... I'm almost with him, not quite yet though... Luckily I owe no one anything other than my mortgage, which I am working on paying off, so hopefully if necessary, I'll be able to take advantage of the 'escape plan' if necessary...
These morons though who are destroying our country for hatred of Bush and power should be stopped, but have you looked around lately at the people who are voting? Most of the people who vote these days shouldn't even be allowed to vote I think! I think that if you have to rely on the government for ANYTHING, you should not be allowed to vote. Maybe I should start a grass roots movement...
I think the Dems are so fearful that Bush may somehow pull this off, that they don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions... Senator Schumer actually said that very thing on Imus this morning, "If we don’t do more than just this resolution we will be a laughing stock"... They only care about power, they could care less about us...
Of course I wouldn't Titus... Merely commenting on what Boortz said...
I never said the Dems were 'fearful' of Bush, but they DO NOT want Iraq to be successful! If it is, it makes Bush looks good, they do NOT want that, and they will do ANYTHING to prevent that from happening, even if it means us losing!
I actually have already said that I think Hillary WILL be the next President of these United States, so I already know that is coming...
I actually am amused that you were more outraged Titus about the 'Boortz' comments and the 'fearful of Bush' thing than you were about what's going on in our country... Do you also want us to lose in Iraq?
Amused is not the right word, shocked is better...
I'm not talking about the 'Bush plan', I'm talking about victory. The majority of the Democrats DO want us to lose, simply for political gain... I don't see ANY of the Democratic leaders coming up with an alternative 'plan', and President Bush has asked them for it repeatedly... They have no plan! So unless they have a better plan, stop bashing what we are doing, no plan is not a viable alternative to a plan that may or may not work...
I don't think anyone is 'fearful' of Bush either, but to just blast, blast, blast, without having an alternative, makes for a sorry ass politician... If you want to blast, have a better plan, if you don't, shut up...
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