Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The State of the Union...

I hate to say it, but the foundation is crumbling and the 'chinks in the armor' are increasing at an alarming rate... I think what astounds me the most is that the vast majority of Americans are oblivious (lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness) of that little fact. I can't speak for the environment everyone who reads my blog runs around in, but I can speak for mine. I live in a fairly large city, I work at a major global conglomerate, I interact with a LOT of people on a daily basis, I read every major news publication every week, so I think I can speak with a little bit of knowledge on this subject... The vast majority of people have ZERO clue what is going on in the world, or even in our own Nation for that matter... Everyone is too busy trying to 'get ahead', 'climb the ladder', 'stay ahead of the Joneses', etc to even be aware of how our Republic is crumbling at its very foundation! It hasn't fallen yet, but it is only a matter of time. History people, it always repeats itself. I find it astounding how many people you interact with who know virtually nothing about history, and it astounds me yet again. I see our elected officials doing what they do, and it makes me wonder why we are still the Superpower we are, it won't last long, trust me... I see the President capitulating to the left on issues that I think he must think if he gives in, they will go along with him on other things... Ummm... Memo to President Bush, these people HATE you and they will stop at nothing to destroy you... Take the Iraq war, we can argue about whether or not it was wise, we can't undo it, they are against anything Bush wants to do there, call it vulture politics, to hell with whatever happens, we are against whatever Bush proposes, we'll swoop in and pick up the pieces AFTER we have seen him fail miserably... They DO NOT care about our troops or the average American... It's astounding to me, I'm sure the founding fathers would be aghast at the state of our union, I am as well...


Joshua Goodling said...

Yes, I am not at all happy with the direction our nation is heading. It seems most of the public is so wrapped up in googling the entertainment/sports stars and lifestyles that they could care less about what goes on in Washington and/or our state's capital buildings. The top stories of today are "Is Britney Spears Preganant again?" "Is Michael Vick Going to Be QB for the new Falcons?" ... As far as I'm concerned about those items - "WHO CARES????"

The problem I run into as I think about our nation and it's problems is "What do we do about it?"

Matthew said...

Good question... I look around and see how stupid the vast majority of the American populace is, and the answer doesn't come to me...

The ones who aren't stupid, are 'too busy', so I guess in a way that does make them stupid in the sense that they must somehow think that life will go on as it always has and we will always be the sole Superpower... How wrong they are...

So what is the answer? Not sure... Is that the answer you were looking for? :)

I do know one thing, in this country (currently anyway), if enough people want things to change, they can be changed, but currently the only ones who make the noise are the wackos, so whatever the wackos want, the wackos get... They 'get' the process, and they use it, and until the people who are not happy with the direction the country is headed in do the same thing, the wackos win, and America loses...

Petra said...

Yeah, let me know when you come up with the answer to that question too. :)