Thursday, January 25, 2007

The 'Plan"...

So you can't listen to hardly any news outlet, office gossip, blog, or anyone or thing else without hearing that President Bush's 'new plan' for Iraq is stupid, pathetic and destined for failure... I'm not saying that it's not, but did you see the Senate today?? Those SAME people who constantly blast the President, without I might add coming up with any sort of plan of their own to counter his, gushed, and oohed and aahed over General Petraeus - IT'S HIS PLAN!!! Just goes to show that the people who continually blast the President are in a word, MORONS! They have no plan of their own, yet they 'support the troops', but they trash the President and ANYTHING he does, no matter the consequences! Well, the President's 'new plan' for Iraq that they have been trashing since he brought it up, is actually the plan of General Petraeus... I'm sure that won't get a lot of MSM coverage though... General Petraeus actually told the President that he would not take the job without 'the plan'... Go figure, it is sad though that the vast majority of the outspoken Democrats actually DO want us to fail over there, no matter the consequences, they do it sheerly for political gain! To hell with the consequences! They somehow think that they will be able to pick up the pieces two years from now, after they have humiliated President Bush (which is many of their sole purposes, they don't give a damn about legislation that might help, or winning the war), Americans elected these morons though...

I'm wondering how long we will be split between Republicans and Democrats? It's almost as if we are forced to choose sides, and our country is nearly split 50 - 50... While I guess I am a registered Republican, I can't stand a lot of the things the idiotic 'base' does, nor a lot of the decisions they make, but I also can't stand the alternative, so I vote Republican... Can't we have more parties? Are we destined to just have the two? I know there are the Independants, the Libertarians, etc, but none have been able to stand up against the main two parties yet... Hopefully one will...

You can pretty much sum up the two main parties this way:

Republicans: individualists and pro big business

Democrats: somewhat, if not mostly socialist and want broad government intervention

In a word, polarized! There are very few people left in the middle, although I think the reason for that is because it's one or the other, you have to choose, and so people do. Of course a big part of it has to do with the fact that a lot of good people won't run for politics, because they don't want their entire family viciously slandered on the global stage, so they don't run. The American populace has become so 'dumbed down' most can't even think for themselves if they had to... Which has a lot to do I might add with the socialist mentality the Democrats want to subject everyone to... The Republicans spend money like drunken sailors and in the last six years they were in power were unable to get much accomplished... Of course if you put a fat slob in charge of the House, what do you expect? Can you name one thing you can remember about Denny Hastert other than the fact that you can recall that it looked like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment? I can't... I'm sure that might have something to do with him being at the Capital buffet more often than his office, but can't prove it... The bottom line is, we aren't going to be able to do shit as a country as long as we are split 50 - 50... Can't there be gray areas?? Take gay marriage, who freaking cares? The Republicans. Drilling in Anwar? The Democrats. I could obviously go on and on, picking on the Republicans and the Democrats, I would say that the person who wants to win the White House in 2008 should reach out genuinely to both sides, and I'll bet he/she wins in a landslide... We'll see...


Matthew said...

Yeah, I know... Most people just want to live their lives and 'be safe'... I say, "Don't get too comfortable"...

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes, I'm with you there. I used to be a supporter financially of the Republican party - not anymore. They had ample opportunity to make some changes when they were in the majority for the first 6 years of Bush's presidency - and they did ZIP! NOTHING!

I'm sure that if Hilary wins in 2008 and she gets a majority Democratic congress - they will pretty much be nailing the nails into the coffin of this country with all the stuff they push through.

And I agree with you on stuff like Gay marriage. I am not at all for people being gay. BUT - if someone is gay and they want to get married - who cares - let them.

I think too many people as conservatives and christians try to FORCE the rest of the world to live the same way. That will never happen. But put the shoe on the other foot - where people like muslims try to force us to live their way, and they cry "FOUL!"

As far as I'm concerned, as long as gay's aren't trying to force their lifestyle on others - let them live their lives!