I've often wondered why no one ever joked about this ridiculous concept, but then you even do the simplest of searches on it, and apparently the lawyers sue anyone who does... Well, if people can call the President a moron and spray paint the Capital steps, I'm sure my rights as a citizen of the USA allow me to call this space crap sheer lunacy... I guess though that some might start calling Tom Cruise Christ...
Article here...
He's risen to the 'top levels' and “Like Christ, he’s been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right.” the article claims... It's so funny, you can hardly make it up... Speaking of the "levels"...
Site Here...
It's funny reading it, but do people REALLY believe it? Does Tom Cruise REALLY believe it? I find it hard to believe that anyone would, but they must... It is kind of interesting to read the various documents though, but then I think to myself: "Hmmm... People have an issue with Creation, but they don't have an issue with Xenu, various galaxies, thetans, etc???"
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Hope Church 10/17
Seems like I had said earlier that I would send a DVD of the music at the church we are going to, I didn't (obviously), but I found a clip of some of it on YouTube, so here it is... The audio is MUCH better at the actual service though... :)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So my oldest son, Chance, came up to me today and asked me: "Dad, why didn't you go to college?"... LOL! So I proceeded to tell him, "Well, son, I did go to college... Multiple times..."
Funny! Or at least I found it humorous! I actually DID go to college, I went to Pensacola Christian College in the beginning, and after a semester and a half, left... When I left, the dean actually came to the hotel room I had gone to and begged me to come back, I didn't. A few years later I decided to give it another go and went to Columbus State Community College and Ohio State, signed up for both, but then thought better of it after listening to a few of the professors. Then a few years later I signed up to go to the University of Tennessee, and actually went to a few classes, walked out of most of them because the professors were so ignorant. The funny thing is, I signed up to go to UT THREE times! Each time I walked out of each class thinking to myself, who ARE these fools!
So no, I never went to college, or at least never finished college, I went plenty of times. I think the vast majority of professors are there because it is a safe haven for their liberal rhetoric, and they simply try to brainwash the kids and push their left wing agenda... I also don't buy into the whole graduate from high school, go to college, get a job, work till you're 65 or 70, then retire and if you didn't save enough for retirement, the government will take care of you, but you might have to take a part time job at WalMart or McDonalds to make ends meet, but we don't care mentality...
I'm more of the opinion, find out what you like to do and then find a way to make a living doing it, to hell with college unless you need it (such as becoming a doctor, etc)... The VAST majority of people who WORK, HATE their jobs! That should be a HUGE clue. It's not though, for most... I see SO many people go through life, hating their JOBS, barely making it, and hating life... What is that? Find out what you like to do, and do it!
Trying to teach that mentality to kids, particularly my own, is difficult at best! We'll see how that works out. If they want to go to college, I'll send them, no doubt. I don't sit around and bitch about college at all, I hardly ever talk about it except when asked, and I was asked tonight. So I answered honestly...
Funny! Or at least I found it humorous! I actually DID go to college, I went to Pensacola Christian College in the beginning, and after a semester and a half, left... When I left, the dean actually came to the hotel room I had gone to and begged me to come back, I didn't. A few years later I decided to give it another go and went to Columbus State Community College and Ohio State, signed up for both, but then thought better of it after listening to a few of the professors. Then a few years later I signed up to go to the University of Tennessee, and actually went to a few classes, walked out of most of them because the professors were so ignorant. The funny thing is, I signed up to go to UT THREE times! Each time I walked out of each class thinking to myself, who ARE these fools!
So no, I never went to college, or at least never finished college, I went plenty of times. I think the vast majority of professors are there because it is a safe haven for their liberal rhetoric, and they simply try to brainwash the kids and push their left wing agenda... I also don't buy into the whole graduate from high school, go to college, get a job, work till you're 65 or 70, then retire and if you didn't save enough for retirement, the government will take care of you, but you might have to take a part time job at WalMart or McDonalds to make ends meet, but we don't care mentality...
I'm more of the opinion, find out what you like to do and then find a way to make a living doing it, to hell with college unless you need it (such as becoming a doctor, etc)... The VAST majority of people who WORK, HATE their jobs! That should be a HUGE clue. It's not though, for most... I see SO many people go through life, hating their JOBS, barely making it, and hating life... What is that? Find out what you like to do, and do it!
Trying to teach that mentality to kids, particularly my own, is difficult at best! We'll see how that works out. If they want to go to college, I'll send them, no doubt. I don't sit around and bitch about college at all, I hardly ever talk about it except when asked, and I was asked tonight. So I answered honestly...
Monday, January 29, 2007
I'm sure that anyone who knows me, knows my love of horse racing... They put Barbaro down... What a shame. His owner must have been a fool! This horse was so great, are you kidding me?!? I watched this horse win the Kentucky Derby last year, and he ran away with it like no horse has done since Secretariat! I did learn something new today, in order for a horse to be able to race, it can't be born via insemination... I was watching Imus this morning at the Intrepid Center:
Link Here...
I was thinking, if the servicemen and women who have limbs missing, could they not do the same thing for a horse? Why would you put to death a horse who could command $100,000 stud fees? If not more? You figure 100 stud fees a year, that's 10 million dollars a year... I don't own the horse, so whatever... The horse was a Great horse though!!
Link Here...
I was thinking, if the servicemen and women who have limbs missing, could they not do the same thing for a horse? Why would you put to death a horse who could command $100,000 stud fees? If not more? You figure 100 stud fees a year, that's 10 million dollars a year... I don't own the horse, so whatever... The horse was a Great horse though!!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Adam and Andrea's Party, Ice Skating...
We went to Adam and Andrea's party to celebrate their wedding yesterday, it was great! I failed to take my camera, but Petra and Timberly took plenty of pictures, so hopefully they will post some... It was a great party actually! At functions such as these, we normally stay about 20 minutes, we stayed for 5+ hours... I met tons of people on Adams side of the family who were very nice! I think Adams Dad and Stepmom are adding us to their Christmas party invite list - woohoo!!! They know how to entertain! I'm going to be looking for the pictures people in a few days! Congratulations again to Adam and Andrea!
I had promised that I would take the kids ice skating yesterday (forgot about the party :), so we took them today, along with Nate, who is a fixture at our house... His parents work a lot, but we don't mind, the kids have a blast playing together, and when you are dealing with kids, 3, 4, 5... It doesn't really matter... The more the better as far as I'm concerned! Here are a few pics, most of them didn't turn out, I guess I need to read the freaking manual that came with my camera... I hate it now, the pictures I took at my sister-in-laws wedding didn't turn out so hot either... :( I guess there is a reason there are so many freaking buttons on the thing...
Taylor and I, I spent the hour and a half guiding Taylor around the rink, she picked up on it pretty good though and so I think a few more visits and she'll be whizzing around with the guys...
Taylor taking a break, while I go around the rink and make sure the guys are okay...
Chance resting for a minute...
I had promised that I would take the kids ice skating yesterday (forgot about the party :), so we took them today, along with Nate, who is a fixture at our house... His parents work a lot, but we don't mind, the kids have a blast playing together, and when you are dealing with kids, 3, 4, 5... It doesn't really matter... The more the better as far as I'm concerned! Here are a few pics, most of them didn't turn out, I guess I need to read the freaking manual that came with my camera... I hate it now, the pictures I took at my sister-in-laws wedding didn't turn out so hot either... :( I guess there is a reason there are so many freaking buttons on the thing...
Tanner posing for a picture...

Towards the end, I was thinking to myself, "Hmm... I've not fallen yet"... About 10 minutes later Taylor managed to trip me up and I slammed down on the ice, I think my ass will be sore for a week... We had a good time though...
Friday, January 26, 2007
It's Official!!
I, Matthew B. Goodling, am formally announcing today that I do not intend to swim across the Pacific Ocean. Sound ridiculous? Well, no more ridiculous than Senator Kerry announcing that he was not going to seek the Presidency in 2008 (which he has absolutely ZERO chance of ever winning). Not sure if anyone else saw that stupid dog and pony show that Kerry, Kennedy and Reid gave on the floor of the Senate, it sounded like Kennedy and Reid were performing a eulogy, and someone needs to tell Mr. Flip-Floppy that he DID NOT get 50% of the vote, rather 50% of the people voted against George Bush... Wow! Amazing that he doesn't realize it. I'll guarantee you though that the powers that be in the Democratic party pulled that fool to the side and laid down the law: "You WILL not embarrass us again, particularly now that we have a shot at winning the White House, so drop out!"
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The 'Plan"...
So you can't listen to hardly any news outlet, office gossip, blog, or anyone or thing else without hearing that President Bush's 'new plan' for Iraq is stupid, pathetic and destined for failure... I'm not saying that it's not, but did you see the Senate today?? Those SAME people who constantly blast the President, without I might add coming up with any sort of plan of their own to counter his, gushed, and oohed and aahed over General Petraeus - IT'S HIS PLAN!!! Just goes to show that the people who continually blast the President are in a word, MORONS! They have no plan of their own, yet they 'support the troops', but they trash the President and ANYTHING he does, no matter the consequences! Well, the President's 'new plan' for Iraq that they have been trashing since he brought it up, is actually the plan of General Petraeus... I'm sure that won't get a lot of MSM coverage though... General Petraeus actually told the President that he would not take the job without 'the plan'... Go figure, it is sad though that the vast majority of the outspoken Democrats actually DO want us to fail over there, no matter the consequences, they do it sheerly for political gain! To hell with the consequences! They somehow think that they will be able to pick up the pieces two years from now, after they have humiliated President Bush (which is many of their sole purposes, they don't give a damn about legislation that might help, or winning the war), Americans elected these morons though...
I'm wondering how long we will be split between Republicans and Democrats? It's almost as if we are forced to choose sides, and our country is nearly split 50 - 50... While I guess I am a registered Republican, I can't stand a lot of the things the idiotic 'base' does, nor a lot of the decisions they make, but I also can't stand the alternative, so I vote Republican... Can't we have more parties? Are we destined to just have the two? I know there are the Independants, the Libertarians, etc, but none have been able to stand up against the main two parties yet... Hopefully one will...
You can pretty much sum up the two main parties this way:
Republicans: individualists and pro big business
Democrats: somewhat, if not mostly socialist and want broad government intervention
In a word, polarized! There are very few people left in the middle, although I think the reason for that is because it's one or the other, you have to choose, and so people do. Of course a big part of it has to do with the fact that a lot of good people won't run for politics, because they don't want their entire family viciously slandered on the global stage, so they don't run. The American populace has become so 'dumbed down' most can't even think for themselves if they had to... Which has a lot to do I might add with the socialist mentality the Democrats want to subject everyone to... The Republicans spend money like drunken sailors and in the last six years they were in power were unable to get much accomplished... Of course if you put a fat slob in charge of the House, what do you expect? Can you name one thing you can remember about Denny Hastert other than the fact that you can recall that it looked like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment? I can't... I'm sure that might have something to do with him being at the Capital buffet more often than his office, but can't prove it... The bottom line is, we aren't going to be able to do shit as a country as long as we are split 50 - 50... Can't there be gray areas?? Take gay marriage, who freaking cares? The Republicans. Drilling in Anwar? The Democrats. I could obviously go on and on, picking on the Republicans and the Democrats, I would say that the person who wants to win the White House in 2008 should reach out genuinely to both sides, and I'll bet he/she wins in a landslide... We'll see...
I'm wondering how long we will be split between Republicans and Democrats? It's almost as if we are forced to choose sides, and our country is nearly split 50 - 50... While I guess I am a registered Republican, I can't stand a lot of the things the idiotic 'base' does, nor a lot of the decisions they make, but I also can't stand the alternative, so I vote Republican... Can't we have more parties? Are we destined to just have the two? I know there are the Independants, the Libertarians, etc, but none have been able to stand up against the main two parties yet... Hopefully one will...
You can pretty much sum up the two main parties this way:
Republicans: individualists and pro big business
Democrats: somewhat, if not mostly socialist and want broad government intervention
In a word, polarized! There are very few people left in the middle, although I think the reason for that is because it's one or the other, you have to choose, and so people do. Of course a big part of it has to do with the fact that a lot of good people won't run for politics, because they don't want their entire family viciously slandered on the global stage, so they don't run. The American populace has become so 'dumbed down' most can't even think for themselves if they had to... Which has a lot to do I might add with the socialist mentality the Democrats want to subject everyone to... The Republicans spend money like drunken sailors and in the last six years they were in power were unable to get much accomplished... Of course if you put a fat slob in charge of the House, what do you expect? Can you name one thing you can remember about Denny Hastert other than the fact that you can recall that it looked like he was going to have a heart attack at any moment? I can't... I'm sure that might have something to do with him being at the Capital buffet more often than his office, but can't prove it... The bottom line is, we aren't going to be able to do shit as a country as long as we are split 50 - 50... Can't there be gray areas?? Take gay marriage, who freaking cares? The Republicans. Drilling in Anwar? The Democrats. I could obviously go on and on, picking on the Republicans and the Democrats, I would say that the person who wants to win the White House in 2008 should reach out genuinely to both sides, and I'll bet he/she wins in a landslide... We'll see...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Do they exist? I tucked my kids in not long ago, and I've noticed for a while that Chance and Tanner always have pillows and blankets shoved around where the bed meets the wall... I asked Chance tonight why... He did not immediately tell me until I told him the story when I was his age...
We used to have trundle beds, and I always was on the one that got pulled out, I used to always fear that 'monsters' would somehow come through the 'crack' so I would always put pillows and blankets there to stop them...
After I told Chance and Tanner that story, they thought it was cool, so they admitted that they were in fact doing the same thing...
Funny! Kids are so funny it's amazing!
We used to have trundle beds, and I always was on the one that got pulled out, I used to always fear that 'monsters' would somehow come through the 'crack' so I would always put pillows and blankets there to stop them...
After I told Chance and Tanner that story, they thought it was cool, so they admitted that they were in fact doing the same thing...
Funny! Kids are so funny it's amazing!
The State of the Union...
Not sure if anyone watched it, I always do though... It's stunning to see how many of the Democrats didn't clap, stand or anything when President Bush called for victory in Iraq... These people want us to lose for those that don't already know it. Yes, I do realize Iraq is a MESS! It can't be undone though, let the man have his last chance to attempt to fix it, if that's possible. Don't however, just be against us winning for political reasons and because of your hatred of President Bush, because that is what is going on right now... It sickens me.
Here is a picture of someone who wants to be our President during the speech:

What about Pelosi? I couldn't hardly concentrate on the speech because she was blinking like once every 2 seconds... She did do one thing though, she proved that she is running a tight ship, if she clapped, the Dems did, if she stood, the Dems did...
These people though could give two shits about you and I, they only care about regaining power...
I was listening to Boortz today while I was eating lunch and reading the USA Today, and he claims that everyone should have an 'escape plan' if these fools manage to destroy this country... Get out of debt, become liquid, and get ready to move... I'm almost with him, not quite yet though... Luckily I owe no one anything other than my mortgage, which I am working on paying off, so hopefully if necessary, I'll be able to take advantage of the 'escape plan' if necessary...
These morons though who are destroying our country for hatred of Bush and power should be stopped, but have you looked around lately at the people who are voting? Most of the people who vote these days shouldn't even be allowed to vote I think! I think that if you have to rely on the government for ANYTHING, you should not be allowed to vote. Maybe I should start a grass roots movement...
Here is a picture of someone who wants to be our President during the speech:

What about Pelosi? I couldn't hardly concentrate on the speech because she was blinking like once every 2 seconds... She did do one thing though, she proved that she is running a tight ship, if she clapped, the Dems did, if she stood, the Dems did...
These people though could give two shits about you and I, they only care about regaining power...
I was listening to Boortz today while I was eating lunch and reading the USA Today, and he claims that everyone should have an 'escape plan' if these fools manage to destroy this country... Get out of debt, become liquid, and get ready to move... I'm almost with him, not quite yet though... Luckily I owe no one anything other than my mortgage, which I am working on paying off, so hopefully if necessary, I'll be able to take advantage of the 'escape plan' if necessary...
These morons though who are destroying our country for hatred of Bush and power should be stopped, but have you looked around lately at the people who are voting? Most of the people who vote these days shouldn't even be allowed to vote I think! I think that if you have to rely on the government for ANYTHING, you should not be allowed to vote. Maybe I should start a grass roots movement...
So I've been tagged by Andrea... I guess I'm supposed to list 6 weird things about myself, well after thinking about it, I couldn't think of anything... :) So I asked around...
1. I refuse to eat leftovers of any kind, if it's not fresh, I don't want it!
2. If I never had to leave my house, I'm not sure I would.
3. I hate eating lunch with other people, I would much prefer to just eat by myself and read the paper or a magazine. (Of course anyone reading this, if I've ever had lunch with you, I did quite enjoy it that time!)
4. If I like a song, or songs, I'll listen to them over and over and over again until everyone around is quite tired of them, but I keep listening to them anyway. :)
5. I'm the most cynical person in the world likely, yet most people I interact with would have no idea.
6. I save all paperwork for some reason, I have no idea why, but if you wanted to see the electric bill from June 1997, a Home Depot receipt for the nails I bought in November 2001 or the movie stub for when I went to see 'Born on the Fourth of July' in Japan in 1990 I could produce them for you in about 10 minutes... :)
Whew... That's done, now I guess I'm supposed to tag other people? Okay: Titus and Brittany
1. I refuse to eat leftovers of any kind, if it's not fresh, I don't want it!
2. If I never had to leave my house, I'm not sure I would.
3. I hate eating lunch with other people, I would much prefer to just eat by myself and read the paper or a magazine. (Of course anyone reading this, if I've ever had lunch with you, I did quite enjoy it that time!)
4. If I like a song, or songs, I'll listen to them over and over and over again until everyone around is quite tired of them, but I keep listening to them anyway. :)
5. I'm the most cynical person in the world likely, yet most people I interact with would have no idea.
6. I save all paperwork for some reason, I have no idea why, but if you wanted to see the electric bill from June 1997, a Home Depot receipt for the nails I bought in November 2001 or the movie stub for when I went to see 'Born on the Fourth of July' in Japan in 1990 I could produce them for you in about 10 minutes... :)
Whew... That's done, now I guess I'm supposed to tag other people? Okay: Titus and Brittany
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Birth Control...
An interesting topic for married people who claim to believe in God and the Bible... I've never used any form of it myself and I'm not 100% sure where I stand on the issue exactly, the topic came up not long ago though in conversation and I realized that I had never really thought about it... There are many forms of birth control: abstinence; coitus interruptus (likely the oldest method other than abstinence); condoms; diaphrams; sponges; etc... Sterilization works as well, although it's not 100% effective, but nearly... I guess I would have to say it depends on the reason why people would want to use birth control, and there are many: don't want children; want a career; financial considerations; don't have time for children; and I guess any number of other reasons.
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
So God said to be fruitful and multiply, I don't guess he really said when though... I think the story that most people against birth control use is the story of Er and Onan, if you are not familiar with the story, it's in Genesis 38. The gist of it is that Er's father (Judah) chose Tamar to be Er's wife, God slew Er because he was wicked, Judah told Onan to marry his brothers wife and 'raise up seed', Onan didn't want to because he knew it wouldn't be his, so he "spilled his seed on the ground", God slew him for it... In that instance, the coitus interruptus method of birth control was used, but out of reasons of selfishness, so it really doesn't condemn birth control in all instances, only in that one...
Genesis 33:5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant.
Psalms 127:3-5 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Just two examples talking about children, but they are all throughout the Bible, yet it really doesn't say NOT to use birth control...
I guess my take on it would be, who are we to question God's plans and try to in our own human minds "plan" when we should have children? I would say people that do it are not very close to God in the slightest, matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that they likely don't have ANY sort of a relationship with God. If we are close to God, then God knows when and how we can have children, He certainly would never give us more to handle than we are able to, and if people do if for financial reasons, then that means they have ZERO faith that God will provide their needs! So yeah, now that I have thought about it, I would say that just because God doesn't condemn it like he does some other sins, it is just as big of a sin because we are showing a complete lack of faith and trust in God that He knows better what is best for our lives rather than we ourselves do! So I guess I would have to say that if God had wanted us to practice birth control ourselves, He would have installed yes or no switches on our penises...
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
So God said to be fruitful and multiply, I don't guess he really said when though... I think the story that most people against birth control use is the story of Er and Onan, if you are not familiar with the story, it's in Genesis 38. The gist of it is that Er's father (Judah) chose Tamar to be Er's wife, God slew Er because he was wicked, Judah told Onan to marry his brothers wife and 'raise up seed', Onan didn't want to because he knew it wouldn't be his, so he "spilled his seed on the ground", God slew him for it... In that instance, the coitus interruptus method of birth control was used, but out of reasons of selfishness, so it really doesn't condemn birth control in all instances, only in that one...
Genesis 33:5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant.
Psalms 127:3-5 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
Just two examples talking about children, but they are all throughout the Bible, yet it really doesn't say NOT to use birth control...
I guess my take on it would be, who are we to question God's plans and try to in our own human minds "plan" when we should have children? I would say people that do it are not very close to God in the slightest, matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that they likely don't have ANY sort of a relationship with God. If we are close to God, then God knows when and how we can have children, He certainly would never give us more to handle than we are able to, and if people do if for financial reasons, then that means they have ZERO faith that God will provide their needs! So yeah, now that I have thought about it, I would say that just because God doesn't condemn it like he does some other sins, it is just as big of a sin because we are showing a complete lack of faith and trust in God that He knows better what is best for our lives rather than we ourselves do! So I guess I would have to say that if God had wanted us to practice birth control ourselves, He would have installed yes or no switches on our penises...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Taxes and Politics...
Taxes: It's that time of year, I hear people already in my little sea of cubicles bitching about the 'dreaded chore' of doing their taxes... Whenever I hear all the morons bitch and moan about it, I always think to myself, "What's the big deal?"... I file taxes like everyone else does, but I just did mine and it took me about an hour and a half... I always wonder though as I finish my taxes "Why does it take everyone else so long?"... I can't answer that question though... Are they all morons? Idiots? Or what? I don't know. I guess if you don't have all the documents you need you could spend a while looking for them, other than that, I can't imagine why it would take very long or why it would cause stress... I have a bin tagged 'IRS' and all through the year, when I get documents that I know I'll need for filing taxes, into the bin it goes... Tonight, I emptied the bin onto my desk, and like I said, it took about an hour or so... I won't even get into the ones who have to file for extensions, unless they owe money, but if you owe money, maybe you should rethink your withholding... Or if you are self employed, perhaps pay your taxes quarterly as you should... Who knows, all I know is that I likely have just as many deductions, etc as anyone else, and it's NOT complicated...
Politics: 2008... First time in 70 years that it has been an open field, and they are lining up for it... This is also probably the first time the race to the White House has started so early, it should be interesting... I'm looking forward to it! There are so many people throwing their hats in the ring, it should be fun. You have the media treating Obama like a rock star, why I'm not sure. It forced Hillary to jump in though, which was earlier than she wanted I think, but she had to, otherwise we would have heard about Obama all weekend, by her throwing in, she stopped that somewhat. Most of the fools throwing their hats in the ring though have zero chance. I almost think that of the ones who have either setup exploratory committees (which means they are running) or announced their intentions to run that even have a chance are Hillary and McCain... Of those two, I wonder if McCain can even get the Republican vote, and I say Hillary just might win... There is a lot of time to go, more people to throw their hats in the ring, it will be a long fight, and we'll hear about it 24/7... When it comes down to actually voting, Americans might be so sick of the 24/7 coverage for nearly 2 years, they just might send Hillary to the White House... It will be interesting, that's for sure...
Politics: 2008... First time in 70 years that it has been an open field, and they are lining up for it... This is also probably the first time the race to the White House has started so early, it should be interesting... I'm looking forward to it! There are so many people throwing their hats in the ring, it should be fun. You have the media treating Obama like a rock star, why I'm not sure. It forced Hillary to jump in though, which was earlier than she wanted I think, but she had to, otherwise we would have heard about Obama all weekend, by her throwing in, she stopped that somewhat. Most of the fools throwing their hats in the ring though have zero chance. I almost think that of the ones who have either setup exploratory committees (which means they are running) or announced their intentions to run that even have a chance are Hillary and McCain... Of those two, I wonder if McCain can even get the Republican vote, and I say Hillary just might win... There is a lot of time to go, more people to throw their hats in the ring, it will be a long fight, and we'll hear about it 24/7... When it comes down to actually voting, Americans might be so sick of the 24/7 coverage for nearly 2 years, they just might send Hillary to the White House... It will be interesting, that's for sure...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Home, Sweet Home...
Finally back! I am always SO glad to get back home after going anywhere... I'd never leave my house if I didn't have to... :) Of course the drive back was miserable, it was raining the entire way back, I didn't bother telling anyone as we were driving back that half the time I could barely see at all (even with the windshield wipers on high and the defogger on)... :) We made it though.
Once we got home and unpacked, I asked everyone what we wanted to do for dinner. Chance said he wanted another ribeye (he's going to have to get over those ribeye's :); so we went to Longhorn and had dinner...
Back to school and work tomorrow... Possibly some more interesting blogs... :)
Once we got home and unpacked, I asked everyone what we wanted to do for dinner. Chance said he wanted another ribeye (he's going to have to get over those ribeye's :); so we went to Longhorn and had dinner...
Back to school and work tomorrow... Possibly some more interesting blogs... :)
Friday, January 19, 2007
So we decided to take the kids out of school today and go ahead and drive to Knoxville... I guess we got here about 2:00, of course the first thing the kids did was drag me to the pool... We swam for a bit, then had to get ready to go eat... We picked up Betty (Carolyn's friend) and headed to Litton's for dinner, Cory (who came up Wednesday) met us there... If you ever do go to Knoxville, Litton's has the best ribeye I've ever eaten anywhere, and I've eaten at places all over the country... We had a great dinner and then decided to head to Mynatt's to see Alfred (they had a viewing today apparently), we got to the funeral home and saw him, it's amazing how different people look after they 'fix' you up for the funeral... The kids were a little sad, so I explained to them that Grandad told us before he passed on that he did not want us to mourn, that he was ready to go... They understood, but there is still time for mourning and saying goodbye, that's what humans do... So now we are back at the hotel, and the kids are jumping up and down ready to head back to the pool... Ughh! I mean, I don't mind swimming, but haven't we already been today?? What can you do? I guess I could say no, but that wouldn't be any fun for them... :) So off I go to the pool... I can't post any pics until I get back home because I forgot my cable to transfer the pics to my PC...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The State of the Union...
I hate to say it, but the foundation is crumbling and the 'chinks in the armor' are increasing at an alarming rate... I think what astounds me the most is that the vast majority of Americans are oblivious (lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness) of that little fact. I can't speak for the environment everyone who reads my blog runs around in, but I can speak for mine. I live in a fairly large city, I work at a major global conglomerate, I interact with a LOT of people on a daily basis, I read every major news publication every week, so I think I can speak with a little bit of knowledge on this subject... The vast majority of people have ZERO clue what is going on in the world, or even in our own Nation for that matter... Everyone is too busy trying to 'get ahead', 'climb the ladder', 'stay ahead of the Joneses', etc to even be aware of how our Republic is crumbling at its very foundation! It hasn't fallen yet, but it is only a matter of time. History people, it always repeats itself. I find it astounding how many people you interact with who know virtually nothing about history, and it astounds me yet again. I see our elected officials doing what they do, and it makes me wonder why we are still the Superpower we are, it won't last long, trust me... I see the President capitulating to the left on issues that I think he must think if he gives in, they will go along with him on other things... Ummm... Memo to President Bush, these people HATE you and they will stop at nothing to destroy you... Take the Iraq war, we can argue about whether or not it was wise, we can't undo it, they are against anything Bush wants to do there, call it vulture politics, to hell with whatever happens, we are against whatever Bush proposes, we'll swoop in and pick up the pieces AFTER we have seen him fail miserably... They DO NOT care about our troops or the average American... It's astounding to me, I'm sure the founding fathers would be aghast at the state of our union, I am as well...
Presidential Material...
This is almost a joke! Has anyone ever even seen this idiot answer pointed questions? Well, here you go, the 'candidate' the MSM is salivating about...
It's comical actually... People actually think this moron is Presidential material?? He almost makes Bush's speaking skills look pretty good...
It's comical actually... People actually think this moron is Presidential material?? He almost makes Bush's speaking skills look pretty good...
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Iraq 'Plan'...
So I thought the 'speech' was fairly lame myself... For starters, Maliki will likely never attempt to go up against Sadr, matter-of-fact, when we send in more troops, it wouldn't surprise me if Maliki actually tells Sadr where we are going and what we are going to be doing so that Sadr can tell his militia to clear the area prior to our arriving... 20,000 more troops? If we are really going to be serious about this, then send in 200,000 or 300,000... 20,000 will do nothing in my opinion...
“The situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people, and it is unacceptable to me"
Umm, it's been unacceptable to a growing number of Americans for quite some time now, and I think to send in 20,000 more troops now is too little too late... Either send in enough to do the job and replace the weak leader Maliki with someone who will actually stand up and disband the militia's, or just stop...
“The situation in Iraq is unacceptable to the American people, and it is unacceptable to me"
Umm, it's been unacceptable to a growing number of Americans for quite some time now, and I think to send in 20,000 more troops now is too little too late... Either send in enough to do the job and replace the weak leader Maliki with someone who will actually stand up and disband the militia's, or just stop...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Broken Vows...
Well, well, well... A week in office and the Dems have already broken two vows they made to the American public:
1. That they would work across the aisle in a bipartisan fashion (they pretty much broke this vow the first day by not allowing the Republicans to have any say so or debate on any of the legislation)
2. They claimed they would work 5 days a week, well, that lasted one week... Monday, January 8th, 2007 - 'The House is not in session.' (From 'The Weekly Leader')
Now here you have them thinking they can micromanage the war in Iraq... Are they that freaking clueless?? I guess so... No one, other than the President, can say how this war is run... About the only thing the House can do is cut off funding for the war...
Now I realize that the vast majority of Americans are so stupid and clueless, that come 2008, they won't ever remember that the Democrats broke two of their promises in the first week that they were in control of the House, but I can guarantee you that if they withhold funding from the troops, most, if not all Americans will not only remember it, but likely could send their little party packing... Who knows, we'll see... I personally hope they break every promise they made during the run up to the mid-term elections...
1. That they would work across the aisle in a bipartisan fashion (they pretty much broke this vow the first day by not allowing the Republicans to have any say so or debate on any of the legislation)
2. They claimed they would work 5 days a week, well, that lasted one week... Monday, January 8th, 2007 - 'The House is not in session.' (From 'The Weekly Leader')
Now here you have them thinking they can micromanage the war in Iraq... Are they that freaking clueless?? I guess so... No one, other than the President, can say how this war is run... About the only thing the House can do is cut off funding for the war...
Now I realize that the vast majority of Americans are so stupid and clueless, that come 2008, they won't ever remember that the Democrats broke two of their promises in the first week that they were in control of the House, but I can guarantee you that if they withhold funding from the troops, most, if not all Americans will not only remember it, but likely could send their little party packing... Who knows, we'll see... I personally hope they break every promise they made during the run up to the mid-term elections...
Friday, January 05, 2007
Imperial Life in the Emerald City...
"This revealing account of the postwar administration of Iraq, by a former Baghdad bureau chief for the Washington Post, focusses on life in the Green Zone, the American enclave in central Baghdad."
I'll let you know what I think of it...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
How About This Kid?
He is 14 years old, will be the youngest to ever cross the Atlantic alone...

He spent six and a half weeks at sea alone, how many would even allow their kids to do that? I say more should...
Back to school after 6 weeks crossing the Atlantic alone
His web site...

He spent six and a half weeks at sea alone, how many would even allow their kids to do that? I say more should...
Back to school after 6 weeks crossing the Atlantic alone
His web site...
Should Be An Interesting Year...
It's going to start off with a bang when Congress begins their first session...
First 100 hours...
It will be interesting to see how that turns out... I guess we'll start seeing how that works out in two days...
Race to the White House
It has begun in earnest... I see Edwards has already coined the phrase "The McCain Doctrine"... I'm sure 2008 will still be in large part about the war in Iraq... How about the "leak" of the Giuliani 2008 'battle plans'?
Rudy's '08 battle plans
Are you kidding me? IS anyone gullible enough to think that wasn't planned? Oh yeah, I keep forgetting how stupid the vast majority of Americans are... I say it is one of his more brilliant plans if he intends to win the White House, go ahead and get everything out there now that you will be blasted for by conservatives:
his private sector business; disgraced former aide Bernard Kerik; his third wife, Judith Nathan Giuliani; "social issues," on which is he is more liberal than most Republicans, and his former wife Donna Hanover
So while some may believe the whole leak thing, I think it was about the only thing he could do... Get it out now, so no one is surprised later...
How about the Saddam hanging? The 'initial' report claimed that there was total silence... Then out comes the cell phone video footage which shows the EXACT opposite, the guards jeering him, Saddam telling them that they were not men, etc... If you haven't seen the footage, but read the 'initial' report, what actually happened is QUITE different than what the 'official' report said... I'm SURE that will help in the region...
Now you have that moron Pat Robertson claiming that God told him that in 2007 there would be another attack which would affect millions:
Robertson Predicts 'Mass Killing'
If I had to guess, I would say that God probably doesn't tell him much of anything, if anything at all... He probably turns more people against God than most so-called 'Christian leaders' that are around today... Oh yeah, God also told him that storms and a tsunami would crash into America's coast in 2006, when a tsunami didn't hit, Robertson said that last springs heavy rains and flooding 'partly' fulfilled that predicition... What a complete idiot, I'm AMAZED that anyone still supports this fraud!
First 100 hours...
It will be interesting to see how that turns out... I guess we'll start seeing how that works out in two days...
Race to the White House
It has begun in earnest... I see Edwards has already coined the phrase "The McCain Doctrine"... I'm sure 2008 will still be in large part about the war in Iraq... How about the "leak" of the Giuliani 2008 'battle plans'?
Rudy's '08 battle plans
Are you kidding me? IS anyone gullible enough to think that wasn't planned? Oh yeah, I keep forgetting how stupid the vast majority of Americans are... I say it is one of his more brilliant plans if he intends to win the White House, go ahead and get everything out there now that you will be blasted for by conservatives:
his private sector business; disgraced former aide Bernard Kerik; his third wife, Judith Nathan Giuliani; "social issues," on which is he is more liberal than most Republicans, and his former wife Donna Hanover
So while some may believe the whole leak thing, I think it was about the only thing he could do... Get it out now, so no one is surprised later...
How about the Saddam hanging? The 'initial' report claimed that there was total silence... Then out comes the cell phone video footage which shows the EXACT opposite, the guards jeering him, Saddam telling them that they were not men, etc... If you haven't seen the footage, but read the 'initial' report, what actually happened is QUITE different than what the 'official' report said... I'm SURE that will help in the region...
Now you have that moron Pat Robertson claiming that God told him that in 2007 there would be another attack which would affect millions:
Robertson Predicts 'Mass Killing'
If I had to guess, I would say that God probably doesn't tell him much of anything, if anything at all... He probably turns more people against God than most so-called 'Christian leaders' that are around today... Oh yeah, God also told him that storms and a tsunami would crash into America's coast in 2006, when a tsunami didn't hit, Robertson said that last springs heavy rains and flooding 'partly' fulfilled that predicition... What a complete idiot, I'm AMAZED that anyone still supports this fraud!
Monday, January 01, 2007
New Years Day...
Hope everyone is having a good 2007 thus far... We did what we normally do, go hit the sales and get our wrapping paper, ornaments, gift boxes and bags, and other necessities for next Christmas at 20 cents on the dollar... :) Lots of stuff out there this year, I can't believe people pay full price for all that stuff when you can get it for 75 - 80% off in January...
We are home alone for like the second time in 9 years... Chance and Tanner spent the night at Nate's house (the kid you probably didn't recognize in the New Year photo I posted) and Taylor is spending the night at our new neighbors house with her new friend... Funny that we have only had one other 'night alone' in 9 years...
I don't normally fill these out, but did... "Which Superhero are you?" is the topic:
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
We are home alone for like the second time in 9 years... Chance and Tanner spent the night at Nate's house (the kid you probably didn't recognize in the New Year photo I posted) and Taylor is spending the night at our new neighbors house with her new friend... Funny that we have only had one other 'night alone' in 9 years...
I don't normally fill these out, but did... "Which Superhero are you?" is the topic:
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
| You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. ![]() |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz
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