I'm tired, but what's new?? :)
Decided to clean out the pool house today, because it was taking me too much time to find the tools I needed. Half the stuff in there I no longer needed for the pool house, so cleaning day it was. Of course before I started that task, I cleaned the pool filters, WOW! That was a chore!!
Ready to get down to business tomorrow! :)
I FINALLY got that door working! I had originally gotten drawer slides from Home Depot, they didn't work! I finally used server rails, works like a charm!! Moves up and down like I intended it too!!
Also got all the rest of the dirt moved in the fire pit area... What a chore that was!! Luckily Zach came over and helped me! I think I'm ready for concrete in that area and the rest. So that's good! This has turned into the project from hell, but there is no quitting now... :)
the end is in sight! where is the custom made bbq qoing?
Right in the center of that area I dug out yesterday... I will build a half circular bench that will go around it...
wow - I think you are the most active person I know!!
It's looking so good! I want to come over for a pool and bbq party when it's done. :)
LOL Daniel, what's the alternative? Laying in front of the TV? I DO have other things I would rather be doing though, soon enough though, I'm nearly done with this nonsense... :)
There will be PLENTY of those Petra, and you are invited to each and every one!!! :)
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