Yeah, I never did get around to taking the kids skating, but they have been hounding me so much that we are going first thing in the morning so I can get back and continue working on the pool house... I'm getting so close to the end, I don't want to stop... :)
I spent half the morning and part of the afternoon getting the trim cut to go around that opening... Of course if I wasn't so anal about making everything fit perfect and just using caulk, perhaps it wouldn't have taken so long... I was about to prime and slap the trim up, then realized, wait Matt, you have to stain the bar first, it will be hell trying to do it once the trim is up...
So I then spent several hours finishing the bar, then sanding it and finally staining it, so that chore is done... Perhaps once I get back from skating in the AM I will get a LOT of the trim up... I'm hoping anyway... :)
I wonder if the kids will be okay with skating for thirty minutes?? :)
I guess I'll just bring my 930 page book I'm reading... I think I'm only on page 250 ish... I fell asleep last night reading it and when I woke up the book was on the floor, so I have to find my place, ugh...
I would probably be a perfectionist if I was building too.
What book are you reading? If you said before, I don't remember. :)
Yeah, I can't help it, Carolyn says I would be done by now if I wasn't so anal about making sure everything fits just right... :)
Ken Follett: World Without End... Only 577 pages to go too! :)
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