Whew! I'm SO glad that is over! What a chore! The kids ALWAYS have a blast though, so I suppose it's worth it all at the end of the day! :) I'd go on a rant here about how NO ONE volunteers to help out and I had to not only make the booth, but man it most of the night, but I'm sure everyone is well aware of my feelings on that topic... :)
Finished putting the final touches on the booth... I should have made that hole bigger I think because not many people could make it in the hole. The PTA always provides a sack of prizes to hand out, at first I started out just letting them kick it, then I told them they could kick it or throw it, and not long after that everyone got a prize for simply trying... :)
Chance, Nate and Tanner are just waiting with GREAT anticipation for the thing to actually get started! We got there about 3:45 to setup and it didn't start until 6:00. It finally started though, and I didn't see much of them all night!
Carolyn took Taylor around while I was tending to the soccer booth, she had a great time. This year they had a lot of rides as well as all the class booths.
Tanner and Lorenzo waited in line for nearly 45 minutes to ride the bungee jump ride. I think it was by far the most popular. Chance rode it to, I told him I did not see him riding it, he was like, "How could you not, our booth is right behind it." I was like, "Probably because I was chasing soccer balls most of the time." :)
Tanner on the bungee jump ride... It did look like fun!
I did find Chance on one of the breaks I got, he and his friends were riding this ride, not sure what it was called.
Not many pictures were taken this year for some reason. They had a lot more events though this year, not sure if anyone rode the horses or not, I think Chance said he did. Several of them won goldfish as well, I'm sure we'll be flushing them down the toilet in the next day or so... All in all, everyone had a great time. Me, I'm glad it's over and I'm back at home! The weekend is here, and I have a LOT to do, hopefully I get a lot accomplished, we'll see how that works out!
Looks like a great time for the kids... but manning the soccer booth all night does not sound fun at all. :)
Yeah, manning the booth... not so fun! What were the prizes??
WOW-- the word verification is getting harder and harder... this is my third try!!!
I am with you on the word verification, I am thinking I need to remove it from my blog :). Looks like a lot of fun Matt, kids always enjoy those type of things.
LOL! I turned it off... The only reason I ever turned it on is because I got a spam message once, we'll see if I get anymore now... :)
The prizes were a sack of trinkets: soccer balls, notepads, pencils, necklaces, etc, etc... The kids seemed to enjoy them though... :)
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