Of course, having been in the construction industry for years, you would think I would have realized that... :) I never had to do all aspects of it myself though... It seems like the closer I get to the "end", the more there is to do!
Just simple things, like putting the metal on the bottom to adhere the stone to, takes what seems like forever. Have to cut it, then nail it up, then go around corners etc, all the while trying not to cut yourself while doing it...
I did make a MAJOR mistake, and I did not put the copper tubing for the water in before I put the roofing on, so I just lifted up the shingles, drilled a hole and shoved it in... Of course it took a bit longer than it sounds.
Now the fun begins, soldering ALL of the various water connections... Which I suppose is what I'll be doing for the next few days, who knows... I'll just be glad when this is done, because I've BEEN over this for a few minutes now... :)
Yeah, I'm losing my hair... Not much I can do about it though... :)
To be honest though, I'd rather have the "lose your hair" gene than the gene where I have to watch whatever I eat and suffer migraines!! :)
yeah, I'd say - at least being a guy - the losing your hair thing is probably easier. lol
I would have hired someone by now. But I am impressed that you know how to do all this stuff. :)
LOL! Well, most of it is rather easy, although some of it can be time consuming. Some of it I DIDN'T know how to do prior to embarking on this project, but hey, that's what the Internet is for... I figure if someone else can do it, I can as well, I may just need to look into it a bit... :)
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