Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Day Goes By...

Yeah, I spent half the day cutting trim and painting...

Painting is a chore I absolutely DETEST!!! Has to be done though...

Slowly but surely... I'm sure I'll get it done one day...

As promised Petra, a pic of Chance and Tanner, not that you can really see their haircuts, but hey, at least I took the pic... :)


Joshua Goodling said...

That's going to look really nice when you get it all done!! GREAT JOB!

I'm sure you're ready to be done with it though :-).

Matthew said...

I LONG for the day when it is complete... :)

Petra said...

Looks like it's coming right along! :)

The boys look very handsome with their new haircuts. And Chance's jeans look like Justice's - muddy with a hole trying to come through the knee. Glad we're not the only ones that have to buy jeans pretty much every few weeks! lol!

Matthew said...

LOL! Yeah, Carolyn bought Chance a pair of jeans the other day and told him not to get them dirty, but to save them for school. Not long after of course, they were covered with dirt... Boys... :)

Titus said...

looking great! what was going on the bottom? stone facing?

Matthew said...

Stacked stone... I knew I didn't have enough siding, and it turns out, I used every bit of it and only have scraps left, so it worked out good considering I "guessed" on how far up to go with the stone... :)