Yeah, it's a bit early for it, but hey, I will be outside here in a few weeks until I completely finish the projects I have going on outside, so I decided to reseal the slate today and get it over with. You have to seal the slate every few years, and it's been a few since I put it down, so that's what I did today...

Anyway, yeah, that's about it going on here... Trying to finish a few things inside that Carolyn wants done because in a few weeks, it's outside I go and I won't be back inside doing crap like this until next winter... :)
All that crap laying on the sofa is from the table in the entry in case you were wondering, and yeah, I'll get around to painting those doors white in the next century sometime... :)
Slate looks really good, we are trying to decide what to put down in all of our rooms. Probably wood through most since we have the allergy problems :).
looks great!
Looks really nice! It's funny how cameras are such a pain in the neck sometimes. I love ours but, if the setting are off, it takes the worst pics! I don't get how to change all that stuff to make it just take a normal pic. :D
LOL Jackie - me either, the only button I'm really all that familiar with is Auto... :)
Looks awesome! I guess it's been a while since I saw your house - looks like some changes have been made. :)
I'm just figuring out all the manual settings on my camera and it's making a huge difference on my indoor photos. I like not having to use the flash (no glares on the shiny spots) and still being able to see what's in the photo. I still have a ways to go, but at least I'm finally off the 'auto' button. :)
Changes are 'constantly' taking place, but hopefully soon that will end!! :)
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