Friday, February 22, 2008

John McCain's Friends


Matthew said...

Yeah, I KNOW I could post just as many things about Clinton or Obama, but hey, I ALREADY know they are liberals! This guy however keeps trying to act as if he is a conservative, yeah right!! He's just as bad as them, if not worse, at least they flaunt their liberalism...

So once again, Clinton and McCain equal more of the same Washington BS we've had for years, perhaps Obama does as well, but whatever, I'll give him a shot before I will those two...

Petra said...

I'm not gonna vote for any of them!

Matthew said...

LOL! You and who knows how many other millions who will play the "I'll just not vote" game...

Not voting does nothing, if all of the people who are "not voting" would get active, we would have a different choice...

Petra said...

Who said I'm not voting? There will be Independents I'm sure. If, by some freak chance, there is NO ONE else to vote for (which yeah - that won't happen), I'd pick McCain out of the three. I guess. Though he'd likely be horrible for the entire Republican party and we'd end up with someone worse than Hillary next time around. But I never said I wasn't voting? And yeah - getting active now doesn't do much for giving us a different choice. Actually, I wish that finance didn't have so much to do with it. I think it's absolutely ridiculous.

Matthew said...

LOL! True enough... Perhaps in 2012 finance won't have as much to do with it!

Matthew said...

I see Ralph Nader just announced he's running... :)

Joshua Goodling said...

A ruined Presidential Race is saved!!! Ralph Nader is running:


Petra said...

I know of Nader, but am not sure of how he views all the issues. I looked up his website, but it doesn't say much except he wanted to impeach Bush and he loves the environment. Not really enough to know whether I like him or not. Oh, and he's about as ancient as McCain.

Matthew said...

Yeah, Nader doesn't have a prayer, it's almost a joke him running, but I disagree with the Obama and McCain camps calling him on it, it's his or anyone elses right to run as a third party... I think we NEED a third party, but in order to actually get one that is viable, you really need someone kind of like Obama, the type of person who can raise the massive amounts of money and is practically greeted like a rock star... If any third party had a candidate like that, that third party would be well on the way to getting a "seat" at the table so to speak...

Joshua Goodling said...

Yes, that is exactly true. I was listening to a talk show on the way home, and one guy was saying that Obama couldn't win an election just because people think he's cool and practically worship the ground he walks on - when he really doesn't have any platform to run on. The talk show host was arguing that MANY elections are won by people just because of their charisma and stuff.....which is ABSOLUTELY true!

And anytime so far a "3rd Party" has attempted a run a President it has been someone like Nader or Ross Perot - someone who couldn't even win if they were the Republican or Democratic nominee.

Matthew said...

So true... I got this book in the mail today called 'The Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told' and I'm quite sure it would STUN most Americans to realize that MANY of our former Presidents gained the office by just such tactics...

Of course the 'average' American knows NOTHING about American history because they don't teach it in government schools, or rather, they teach 'their take on it'...

Note: by 'just such tactics' I mean Obama thrilling the crowds but really saying nothing at all... :)

Petra said...

It still blows my mind how so many are so thrilled by Obama. Wow. And I read more about Nader, and wow again... he'll never win! Not that we'd WANT him to. What a maniac!!!