Tuesday, February 26, 2008


How does one man essentially set policy for the United States of America? Not that he sets ALL policy, but he has certainly come a long way in being able to turn the political landscape more to his liking while wielding immense influence... So, who is that man you might ask... Not yet. How did he do it? That is a better question, the answer is simple, he pushed for legislation that would limit free speech and severely limit candidates from being able to raise money among other things... The funny part of it is, there are loopholes in the legislation that allow groups to spend any amount of money they want to smear the candidates they choose as long as they don't tell people who to vote for or against... Pretty clever actually...

Now, who was the legislator who was the one who got the legislation through the Senate, House and signed into law?

John McCain - Campaign Reform Act...

Who is the person who pushed to get it through?

George Soros - Soros' "Reform"...

"...Soros, one of the richest men in the world, backed campaign finance reform with huge cash donations to a wide variety of Washington "reform" special interest groups to accomplish what his funding conduit called an effort "to reduce the corrupting influence of very large donors" and to ban pre-election "issue advocacy" ads by groups like the NRA..."

Soros has given millions to MoveOn.org and other groups, but the latest is the icing on the cake...

"Former presidential candidate John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth joined MoveOn.org, the Service Employees union, VoteVets.org and other groups Feb. 25 in launching a $20 million Iraq/Recession Campaign that will target war hawk Republican presidential candidate John McCain and congressional Republicans."

The loopholes in the law championed by McCain, pushed by Soros, are now being used to setup a group to spend millions to do nothing but SLAM McCain from here until November...

Brilliant!!! On George Soros' part... McCain, not so much...

Not that this has anything to do with it, but I thought this was an interesting take on the failed Clinton campaign that may or may not be over after tonights debate:

The Clintons - Out of touch, out of tune, out of time...

So whether we want him or not, it may soon be President Barack Obama to you...


Matthew said...

I think one of the more humorous things about the whole campaign though has been Barack Obama's ability to get around McCain-Feingold by going on the Internet and getting (by last count) nearly a million active donors, while Hillary relied on the donations from people in the 'Clinton network' to 'max out' at $4,600 ($2,300 for the primary and $2,300 for the general)... All Obama has to do these days is hit send and he raises $5 million dollars... He raised more in January than any candidate has ever raised in a month which was $32 million, 88% of which was raised by him hitting 'send' and by some estimates he stands to raise nearly $45 million this month which would once again set a record, McCain? Not doing so well as half the Republican base can't stand him... Fascinating stuff!! :)

Matthew said...

I'm watching the debate, and Chance (who is using another computer in my office) asked me what it was, I told him it is pretty much deciding who is going to be our next President, he told me "I'll bet Obama is", and I did not tell him who they were. I asked him why he thought Obama should be President, he told me "Because he gives good speeches"...

I think that is why the vast majority vote for him. Of course if President Bush had not mangled the English language for the past eight years SO much, I wonder if Obama would be so popular? I mean, the President, who is the most powerful person in the world, SHOULD be able to make a speech without mangling the language...

Petra said...

I'm watching a chick flick; I figure I'll read about the debate highlights tomorrow. :)

Titus said...

i watched the debate and though obama won the contest. i believe he will be the next president, and it will be interesting to see what changes are wrought.

i disagree with him in some of his stances on issues, but know that america HAS to come together to combat crisis domestically and internationally. he is by far the best candidate on the table to do so, and i think the majority of americans feel the same way.

Matthew said...

Yeah, I think Obama won it hands down myself. Out of the three choices, I definitely choose Obama!

I thought it was rather comical when Hillary was whining about being chosen to answer questions first, reminded me of when my kids say, "I took the trash down last time, it's someone elses turn"...

Titus said...

lol. yeah, we thought the same thing about that and the whole 'renounce' vs. 'reject' bit she was on about.

Matthew said...

Exactly, as if the candidates have to "give permission" for people to support them that they may not agree with...

Obama should have made a smart remark about when Ann Coulter said she would actively campaign for Hillary if McCain won the nomination...

Matthew said...

I see David Duke has practically endorsed Obama, yeah, that one, as the article states...

Even white supremacists don't hate Obama...

It's not like Obama has ANYTHING to do with it though, similar to the endorsement of Farrakhan that Clinton tried to slam him for... I SO hope Obama slams Clinton on Tuesday, because I DO NOT want that woman in the White House!!

In case you didn't know that... :)

Matthew said...

Sums up the debate in a nutshell:

Most Improved Debater...