Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah...

That is pretty much what you hear from Obama... Nothing about what he will do, how he will do it, etc... Why am I STILL for Obama you might ask, or not, I don't care! Clinton offers nothing but divisivness, McCain offers nothing more than Clinton, McCain might even be more devisive than Clinton... Obama however offers, I know he says Change and Hope, but he offers ONE thing the others do not. The ability to bring people together! No president can destroy this country in four years! Look at Carter, wow! Did he destroy the country? No! Of the three though, Obama, Clinton and McCain, I STILL choose Obama over the other two...


Petra said...

I made my decision about Obama before researching him. I had heard him on the radio answering questions from college students and he basically didn't answer ONE question asked. He just talked in circles with complete b.s. I was not impressed. THEN I did my research and was like "okay - he's out". Too bad Clinton and McCain suck too. I can't believe these are the three we are left with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew said...

LOL! I'm WELL aware of the fact that Obama really says nothing but hope, change, "Yes we can", etc... I'm still voting for him though because I think the Clintons are evil and I pretty much think the same of McCain... Wow! I'm with you, I can't believe these are the three we have to choose from...

Tim said...

I see alot more comercials about Obama now, he is stepping up his presence around the Cincinnati area :).

Matthew said...

I hope Obama destroys Clinton in OH and TX on March 4th, that would be a GREAT birthday present!!

I think it's hilarious watching her fall apart at the seems because she thought it was hers to have... I couldn't imagine having her back in the White House and I also think there is the possibility that McCain could have beaten her, I don't think he will be able to beat Obama, we'll find out soon enough though... :)

Matthew said...

That would be seams, but whatever...

Matthew said...

Even Bill Clinton realizes the importance of TX and OH:

"If she wins Texas and Ohio I think she will be the nominee. If you don't deliver for her, I don't think she can be. It's all on you,"

He told a crowd in TX... Also, 70,000 more people voted in the TX first day of early voting than did in 2004 and I'll bet many were drawn to the polls after Obama told them to get out there an vote... Go Obama!!!

Matthew said...

For all the McCain supporters out there, this is a must read:

For McCain, Self-Confidence on Ethics Poses Its Own Risk...

That is just the TIP of the iceburg on this traitor...

Which is YET again why I'm supporting Obama...

Matthew said...


Yeah, I'm passionate about this election in case you haven't noticed... I don't want those evil Clintons in the White House nor do I want the traitor... I'll take ANYONE else, even though I know Obama is not that good of a choice either, too bad someone else isn't running...

Matthew said...

I just saw some Washington shill trying to sell a book on Hannity & Colmes trying to say the NYT's piece was a hit job on McCain, I don't think so...

George Soros brains behind McCain-Feingold...

The more you look, the more you uncover...

The McCain-Feingold act was unconstitutional and a direct affront to our free speech, and McCain was the main person behind it...

Yeah, I'll do everything that is possible for a single citizen to do to NOT allow that guy in the White House...

Matthew said...

Yeah, I know I'm talking to myself here... :)

Petra said...

By the way, I was going to say - you said Obama offers the ability to bring people together. I might add that so will the antiChrist. Just sayin'. ;)

Ann Coulter has a good article today on campaign finance. She doesn't like McCain either, in case you didn't know.

Petra said...

Oh yeah - I don't like McCain either, the more I research. Ugh! I know Democrats who are voting for McCain and Republicans that are voting for Obama. Wow. This is a crazy election.

Matthew said...

LOL! That might be farfetched, but who knows... :)

It is one crazy election, and sure to get worse I'm sure. I may even watch the debate tonight between Obama and Clinton...

Matthew said...

Do people that run for President think this stuff won't come out??

Opiate For the Mrs.

Although I had heard about that before...