For President that is... Do I like him? Not really. Will my taxes go up if he becomes President? Probably... At this point though, I would rather see him get it than either Hillary or McCain, period! The thought of either of those two in the White House makes me ill! So unless someone else jumps in the ring, Obama for President 2008!!
How much harm can he do compared to the other two choices?? Some, maybe, but not NEARLY as bad as if Hillary or McCain were to get it...
go barry! i agree, he is by far the best candidate!
I thought this was rather comical... So some of the Obama fans have decided to make tomorrow the "money bomb" day for him, here is just one of the many sites I saw about it:
$5.01: The February 12th Obama Money Bomb
I think the Hillary camp decided to follow suit:
Feburay 12---Out Money Bomb The Obama-ites, Hillary Fans!
Needless to say, at least with the Facebook crowd, Obama has 649 members to the Hillary camps 11 members... Which I think is precisely the reason Obama has such momentum. Most of Hillary's donors are big money donors who have already maxed out while most of Obama's donors are single people who haven't even begun to max out, so now, all Oabama has to do to raise money is just hit send... I think he proved that in January when he raised more money than any candidate has EVER raised in a single month... No wonder though, I hardly ever donate to politicians, but probably will send a few bucks his way...
Wait a minute!!! This is HISTORY in the making... ARE YOU BOTH SAYING THAT YOU AGREE ON SOMETHING POLITICAL?!?! Hang on as I pick my jaw up off the floor!
Who knew?? Pigs do have a shot a flying!! :D
I, too never thought I could or would vote for a Dem, but I just may! YIKES!
i hope he doesn't win. i'll move.
its nice to see you agreeing tho, that is a rarity indeed.
LOL! Yeah, history in the making!! :)
Where are you moving to Marci? I'm just SO sick of hearing people say that, and then when it happens, they don't actually move. If you need help packing, I'll make a few calls...
I do think I saw a few pigs flying over the horizon a few moments ago Jackie... :)
not sure, I can do my job anywhere... would have to consult with my boys of course :) thanks for the offer to call people to help me move... nice of you
You missed my point, you have NO intention of moving outside of the US, so don't make such claims!
yes, yes I would. i've travelled to quite a few nice places out of the U.S. and wouldn't mind living in any of them.
Well, I won't be moving (unless the Army moves us out of the country), but I won't be happy about Obama as president.
I am pretty amazed that Matt and Titus are agreeing on anything political though! lol!
LOL! I'll remind you of that Marci!
We are just realistic Petra, it's basically down to three choices: Obama, Clinton and McCain... Out of those three (I don't like any of the choices) I'll take Obama...
I DO remember all the people who said they would leave the US if Bush won in 2004, last time I checked, none of them moved...
Out of curiosity Marci, define "quite a few" and which one would you choose over the US?
I don't want to be here when God sends his wrath on us for turning away from Isreal and God.
not sure.. australia probaby, as that is where the boys would want to go -
Who would be turning away from Israel and God?
I don't think you can 'just move' to Australia btw Marci, kind of like you can't 'just move' here... Unless you jump the fence and live here illegally... Wow! Stunning that people say things like "I'll move", whatever...
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